Driving experience in mountainous areas with frequent landslides

Lam Thanh |

Landslides have caused many areas on National Highway 2 in Ha Giang province to remain blocked, causing difficulties for drivers.

The landslide at Km 51, passing through Viet Vinh commune (Bac Quang, Ha Giang) on ​​September 29, caused many casualties and property losses. At that time, rocks and soil from a high hill suddenly fell down, burying many people and vehicles.

As of the morning of October 2, the last victim of the landslide had been found by authorities. So far, 6 people have died, 9 people have been injured, and many vehicles and houses have been severely damaged. Notably, a victim named T.D.D, who was present at the scene before the landslide, livestreamed a warning. However, Mr. D died when the landslide happened too quickly.

Vu sat lo vui lap nhieu nguoi va phuong tien tren QL2. Anh: Cong an Ha Giang
Landslide buries many people and vehicles on National Highway 2. Photo: Ha Giang Police

Currently, the National Highway 2 section through Viet Vinh commune is still impassable. Cracks have appeared on the bypass leading to the landslide area at Km 240+300 - Km 240+450, with a high risk of landslides. Authorities have posted warning signs and traffic diversions to ensure safety.

With more than 15 years of long-distance driving on the Northern mountainous national highways, Mr. Nguyen Van Dai said that he often encountered dilemmas during the rainy and flood season.

According to Mr. Dai, drivers need to be especially focused when traveling in highlands, especially new drivers. Not only landslides, but the northern mountainous roads are always lurking with dangers. Therefore, do not be negligent.

"This season has a lot of rain, the soil is saturated with moisture, so the risk of landslides is high. Drivers need to proactively update their travel routes and dangerous routes to have a solution. Before going, check the brake system and have at least one phone number of the rescue force.

"Don't drive too fast, hold the steering wheel with both hands. With steep mountain passes with continuous curves and bad road surfaces, you should choose a safe and secure wheel position to avoid landslides," said Mr. Dai.

According to Mr. Dai, one of the most important issues is to comply with warning signs and instructions. Do not drive through dangerous areas regardless. When the vehicle gets stuck, you need to get out to check for landslide risks and then decide whether to continue moving or not.

Cac luc luong chuc nang trien khai tim kiem cuu nan. Anh: Cong an Ha Giang
Authorities deploy search and rescue teams. Photo: Ha Giang Police

According to driver Ho Huu Hanh, before each trip he usually updates the weather conditions of the routes he passes. If the weather is bad, there is a risk of landslides so he should change the route.

In case you have to go through, you need to proactively prepare plans and equipment such as flashlights and emergency hammers. While moving, you need to pay attention to observe unusual signs and keep a safe distance from the vehicles in front.

In addition, absolutely do not park under cliffs, obey signs and warnings. If you encounter bad weather, there is a risk of landslides, so find a safe place to rest, do not ignore the danger.

According to information from Ha Giang Provincial Police, by noon on October 2, the landslide area on National Highway 2 through Viet Vinh Commune has been cleared. Authorities are continuing to assess the safety level for traffic resumption.

At Ma Pi Leng Pass (Km156, National Highway 4C), heavy rain caused landslides. Water from the mountains flooded and blocked traffic. Currently, the road from near the foot of the pass to Sam Pun border gate (Meo Vac district) is still cut off.

Lam Thanh

Sạt lở gây thiệt hại nặng nề tại Hà Giang

Ngọc Minh |

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Đinh Đại |

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Hải Âu |

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Landslides cause heavy damage in Ha Giang

Ngọc Minh |

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Đinh Đại |

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Hải Âu |

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