Traffic safety notes for oversized and overweight vehicles

Xuyên Đông |

The Law on Road Traffic Safety and Order, effective from January 1, 2025, has regulations on ensuring traffic safety with oversized and overweight vehicles.

Accordingly, Article 53 of the Law on Traffic Safety and Order stipulates ensuring road traffic order and safety for vehicles transporting oversized and overweight goods as follows:

Oversized and overweight goods are goods that cannot be divided or disassembled, and when transported on road, cause the vehicle or combination of vehicles to exceed the permitted limits for road traffic in terms of size and weight as prescribed by law.

Vehicles transporting oversized and overweight goods must be suitable for the type, size, and weight of goods and must have a vehicle circulation permit issued by a competent road management agency.

Vehicles transporting oversized and overweight goods are allowed to be combined or linked into a combination of multiple vehicles, including tractor trucks, trucks pulling trailers to pull or both pull and push trailers, specialized semi-trailers, and modular trailers, including cases of coupling through the goods being carried.

Vehicles transporting oversized and overweight goods must run at the speed specified in the license and must have a sign indicating the size of the goods; if necessary, there must be people and support vehicles as prescribed in Point d, Clause 4, Article 52 of this Law when transporting oversized and overweight goods on roads.

The agency that issues the license to operate vehicles transporting oversized and overweight goods is responsible for immediately sending a notice to the Traffic Police Department of the Ministry of Public Security and the Traffic Police Department that performs the task of ensuring traffic order and safety on the route and road section that the vehicle passes through in order to command and control road traffic, inspect, control, and handle violations of the law, ensuring order and safety on the road.

The Traffic Police force is responsible for organizing patrols, controlling, and handling violations of laws on road traffic order and safety for vehicles transporting oversized and overweight goods on the road.

The Minister of Transport shall specify regulations on oversized and overweight goods; regulations on the transportation of oversized and overweight goods and the issuance of licenses for vehicles transporting oversized and overweight goods on roads.

Xuyên Đông

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