Rewarding high money for students who pass graduation is unreasonable

Tường Minh |

Nghe An's excessive reward for students who score high on graduation exams is unreasonable and unfair to other subjects.

Nghe An Provincial People's Committee's decision to reward 66 students with high scores in the 2024 high school graduation exam with an amount of nearly 19 million VND per student, accompanied by a Certificate of Merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, has become the focus of attention. of attention and caused a lot of controversy in public opinion.

Remember, the high school graduation exam is a mandatory test for all 12th grade students. This is not an exam to honor outstanding talents, but mainly to ensure standards. basic standards of knowledge and skills for students before leaving school.

With such a nature, giving too large rewards to students who score high in this exam has raised questions about the reasonableness of the policy.

Talking to Lao Dong, a high school teacher in Nghe An clearly stated the unreasonableness of comparing this bonus with the rewards for teachers who won titles in the provincial excellent teacher exam, only receiving about 1.8 million VND without a Certificate of Merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

Furthermore, students who graduated with excellent and excellent grades at universities, colleges, and intermediate schools in the province were not similarly rewarded.

It is worth noting that the reward for students who score high on the graduation exam is 10 times higher than the base salary and is even higher than the reward for the title of Outstanding Teacher - a noble title awarded by the President. The country grants citizenship with very difficult standards and conditions.

Over-rewarding students who score high on graduation exams not only causes injustice to other subjects, but can also create a bad precedent in education.

The goal of rewards is to encourage students to strive, but when rewards exceed the true value of achievement, it can lead to negative effects, such as unhealthy comparisons, competition, or distort the true value of education.

Instead of spending too much money on such rewards, these resources could be used to invest in scholarship programs for disadvantaged students, or support the development of facilities, Improve the quality of education in remote areas.

This not only contributes to improving the quality of education but also brings fairness and sustainable development to the community.

Faced with concerns from public opinion, leaders of Nghe An Provincial People's Committee said they would consider and review the content of this reward to ensure its correctness and reasonableness. This is necessary and urgent, because rewards only have real meaning when they are done fairly and carefully considered in terms of impact and effectiveness.

Rewarding students for excellent performance is essential, but it needs to be done carefully and appropriately. Avoid letting big rewards become an unnecessary argument and lose the true value of rewards in education!

Tường Minh

Băn khoăn việc khen thưởng học sinh thi tốt nghiệp điểm cao


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Nghệ An – Học sinh giỏi, đạt thành tích cao trong năm học 2023 - 2024 sẽ được khen thưởng số tiền gần 4 tỉ đồng.

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Song Minh |

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Đinh Đại |

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