Infamous pig farm in Lang Son must relocate livestock

Khánh Linh - An Trịnh |

Lang Son - The pig farm of Rutech Livestock Joint Stock Company (Rutech Company) is urgently relocating the pigs after complaints.

On October 7, regarding the incident of Rutech Company's pig farm discharging waste causing environmental pollution, Mr. Nguyen Van Ha - Chairman of the People's Committee of Dinh Lap district (Lang Son) said that the owner of this farm has been and is relocating the pigs, expected to be completed before October 10.

"According to the company's commitment to the government and people of Lam Ca commune, the pig farm will move the pigs before October 15, however, it is expected to be completed around October 10," said Mr. Ha.

Bien ban cam ket di doi dan lon cua cac doanh nghiep lien quan. Anh: Tan Van.
Minutes of commitment to relocate pig herds of related businesses. Photo: Tan Van

The district leader also said that the district has required the enterprise to complete the construction items and be granted full licenses according to regulations before continuing to raise livestock.

Previously, as Lao Dong reported, for many months now, thousands of people in Lam Ca commune, Dinh Lap district have been extremely upset by the stench that surrounds them day and night from the pig farm invested by Rutech Livestock Joint Stock Company.

Toan canh trai lon tai xa Lam Ca. Anh: Tan Van.
Panoramic view of pig farm in Lam Ca commune. Photo: Tan Van.

Faced with serious environmental pollution and fierce opposition from the people, the People's Committee of Dinh Lap district has repeatedly organized and chaired dialogues between the company and the people in the commune.

Most recently, in document No. 2077/UBND-VP dated September 19, 2024, the People's Committee of Dinh Lap district requested urgent relocation of pigs from farms that do not meet breeding conditions.

Nguoi dan xa Lam Ca nhieu lan bay to y kien, khong dong y de trai lon Rutech hinh thanh. Anh: Tan Van.
People in Lam Ca commune have repeatedly expressed their disagreement with the establishment of Rutech pig farm. Photo: Tan Van.

In this document, the local government also requested CJ Vietnam Group and CJ Agri Co., Ltd. - Ha Nam Branch (two units associated with Rutech Company) to quickly relocate the pig herd and stop raising pigs until the construction items are completed and all licenses are granted according to regulations before continuing to raise pigs.

The People's Committee of Dinh Lap district clearly stated that if after October 5, 2024, these three enterprises do not relocate all their pigs, they will be fully responsible before the law for the consequences that occur in the locality.

However, immediately after that, due to the large number of pigs, the company asked for more time to relocate until October 15.

Khánh Linh - An Trịnh

Dân không thiếu việc làm, tỉnh vẫn "vì dân" xây trại lợn

An Trịnh - Khánh Linh |

Lạng Sơn - Người dân xã Lâm Ca khẳng định, không cần trại lợn của Công ty Rutech tạo công ăn việc làm cho người dân địa phương.

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An Trịnh - Khánh Linh |

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Dân không đồng thuận, trại lợn dính sai phạm vẫn mọc lên

An Trịnh - Khánh Linh |

Lạng Sơn - Dù người dân kịch liệt phản đối, trại lợn dính hàng loạt sai phạm của Công ty Cổ phần chăn nuôi Rutech vẫn "mọc" lên, làm khổ hàng nghìn người dân.

Giả mạo CSGT hỗ trợ định danh biển số để lừa đảo


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Lục Tùng - Phong Linh |

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People do not agree, pig farms with violations still grow

An Trịnh - Khánh Linh |

Lang Son - Despite strong protests from local residents, the pig farm with a series of violations by Rutech Livestock Joint Stock Company still "sprout" up, causing suffering to thousands of people.