Returning to the sunshine and wind of the Central Highlands


Transferring to the Central Highlands on a summer day in June, the sun on the red basalt soil told me that a difficult but exciting journey was about to unfold. After a few days of getting to know each other, the first job I was assigned by Mr. Phan Anh Tuan - in charge of the Representative Office of Lao Dong Newspaper in the Central Highlands region, was to coordinate with the Labor Confederation of the provinces to support and help. help workers in difficult circumstances in the area.

I remember a memory, that day was the day I was assigned the task of recording the difficult lives in Hoa Thang commune (Buon Ma Thuot city, Dak Lak). When I introduced myself as a newly transferred reporter for Lao Dong Newspaper , I suddenly received a tight hug from a man with gray hair and tanned skin.

Upon asking, I found out that it was Mr. Truong Van Hien - a veteran of Gac Ma Island (belonging to the Truong Sa archipelago of Vietnam), who also received help from Lao Dong Newspaper.

For Mr. Hien, that help was like "a drowning man reaching for a stake", helping his life turn a new page. While holding my hand, he confided: "The day I returned to Hoa Thang commune, no one knew I was a soldier fighting on Gac Ma island. With no documents, no house, no money, my wife and I built a temporary tent and lived day by day. Only a few times have I dared to secretly think about the day I would have a spacious house.

However, everything changed since I met Mr. Dang Trung Kien - who worked at Lao Dong Newspaper at that time. Thanks to Mr. Kien's article, people around me know and support my family a lot. The location of the temporary tent that day was replaced by a more spacious level 4 house, and the family's economy gradually stabilized to take care of the children's education. Ten years have passed but I have never stopped being grateful to Lao Dong Newspaper. That's why when I met the reporters and journalists of your newspaper again, I was very happy...".

Continuing, Mr. Tran Van Dien - Chairman of the Veterans Association of Hoa Thang Commune (Buon Ma Thuot City, Dak Lak) said that not only Mr. Hien's family, but also thanks to Lao Dong Newspaper, many veterans and elderly people Young people in difficult circumstances in the area receive attention and help from units, organizations and sponsors,...

“Our lives are therefore much more stable and brighter. The reporters may no longer remember, but we - the people who received help when we were in the most difficult circumstances - will forever remember it" - Mr. Dien emotionally expressed.

Increase the connection between the government and the people

During my working days in the Central Highlands, I received enthusiastic help from leaders of departments in the 5 Central Highlands provinces. I have the opportunity to attend many large and small activities and events organized by units. Among them, we must mention the activities related to workers and laborers of the Confederation of Labor (LDL) at all levels in the Central Highlands provinces.

Mr. Le Van Thanh - Chairman of the Confederation of Labor of Dak Lak province highly appreciated the help of Lao Dong Newspaper in supporting and propagating information to the people, especially workers in difficult circumstances in the area. .

“In recent times, Lao Dong Newspaper has made many contributions in protecting workers in difficult circumstances in the area. In addition, the activities of the Provincial Labor Confederation, superior trade unions, central sector trade unions,... are always informed promptly and accurately by Lao Dong Newspaper reporters. I hope that in the coming time, Lao Dong Newspaper will continue to make an important contribution to protecting the legal rights and interests of workers throughout the Central Highlands region" - Mr. Thanh said.

Sharing about the companionship of Lao Dong Newspaper, Mr. Nguyen Tuan Ha - Permanent Vice Chairman of Dak Lak Provincial People's Committee said - Lao Dong Newspaper reporters always actively propagate guidelines and policies to people, listen and Share with people, especially people in remote areas and ethnic minorities.

Through my trip to this fertile red basalt land, I am even more in love and proud to be a part of Lao Dong Newspaper. The newspaper has given me the opportunity to accompany and bond with local people, to speak up. The hearts of people in remote areas are lacking in all kinds of ways, as well as giving me the opportunity to help those in difficult lives.


Nhiều đầu sách còn thiếu trước thềm năm học mới ở Tây Nguyên


Vì nhiều nguyên nhân khác nhau, một số tỉnh trong vùng Tây Nguyên vẫn chưa thể cung ứng đầy đủ sách giáo khoa để đáp ứng nhu cầu mua sắm của phụ huynh học sinh trước thềm năm học mới.

Nguyên nhân nhiều tỉnh thành ở Tây Nguyên chậm giải ngân vốn đầu tư công


Hàng loạt dự án đầu tư xây dựng trọng điểm ở hai tỉnh Gia Lai, Kon Tum đang bị chậm tiến độ, tỉ lệ giải ngân vốn đầu tư công đạt thấp. Chủ đầu tư cũng như đơn vị thi công thì không khỏi lo lắng bởi những vướng mắc, khó khăn khách quan đến từ cơ chế chính sách.

Lập đoàn kiểm tra vụ trẻ tử vong ở Bệnh viện vùng Tây Nguyên


Liên quan đến vụ trẻ em 2 ngày tuổi tử vong bất thường, Sở Y tế tỉnh Đắk Lắk sẽ lập đoàn kiểm tra tại Bệnh viện đa khoa vùng Tây Nguyên.

Bị thu hồi, trung tâm nông nghiệp ngang nhiên tập kết quặng

Lam Thanh |

Thái Nguyên - Hoạt động kém hiệu quả, Trung tâm Nông nghiệp ứng dụng công nghệ cao tại TP Thái Nguyên thành bãi chứa quặng, vật liệu xây dựng.

Đào Nhật Tân chết rũ vì bão, nông dân mất trắng hàng tỉ đồng

Minh Thương |

Hà Nội - Sau bão lũ, hàng loạt hộ dân tại làng đào Nhật Tân (quận Tây Hồ) mất trắng cả vườn đào ươm cho vụ Tết, thiệt hại hàng tỉ đồng.

Ứng phó bão số 4, chủ động với các tình huống xấu nhất xảy ra


Thủ tướng Chính phủ yêu cầu quyết liệt ứng phó bão số 4 theo phương châm "bốn tại chỗ", chủ động xử lý các tình huống xấu nhất có thể xảy ra.

Cầu trên tuyến nối Hòa Bình với Hà Nội bị nứt gãy, sụt mố

Minh Nguyễn |

Hòa Bình - Cầu Ngòi Móng trên tỉnh lộ 445 (tuyến đường nối thành phố Hòa Bình) bất ngờ bị nứt, sụt mố cầu lúc nửa đêm, may mắn không gây thiệt hại về người.

Một số tỉnh cho học sinh nghỉ học tránh bão


Áp thấp nhiệt đới mạnh lên thành bão số 4, tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế thông báo cho học sinh toàn tỉnh nghỉ học ngày 19.9 để tránh bão. Tại Quảng Trị, một số địa phương, trường học đã cho học sinh nghỉ học.

Many books are missing before the new school year in the Central Highlands


For many different reasons, some provinces in the Central Highlands region are still unable to provide enough textbooks to meet the shopping needs of parents and students before the new school year .

The reason why many provinces and cities in the Central Highlands are slow in disbursement of public investment capital


A series of key construction investment projects in Gia Lai and Kon Tum provinces are behind schedule, and the disbursement rate of public investment capital is low. The investor as well as the construction unit cannot help but worry about the problems and objective difficulties coming from the policy mechanism.

Formal Translation: Conducting an investigation into the infant's death at the Central Highlands Regional Hospital.


Regarding the case of the 2-day-old infant death that occurred unusually, the Provincial Department of Health in Đắk Lắk Province will establish a team to conduct an inspection at the Tây Nguyên Region General Hospital.