Previously, on December 5, Lao Dong Newspaper published an article "People are upset because of the acrid smoke from the open-air landfill in Nam Dinh", reflecting on the situation of burning garbage at the open-air landfill in Dai Thang commune (Vu Ban district, Nam Dinh province), causing environmental pollution, making people upset.
According to information and images recorded by local people, many days in November and December, the thousands of square meters of concentrated garbage dump in Dai Thang commune burned fiercely, with thick smoke covering the entire area. Notably, the garbage burning directly affected people living and farming near this area.
Immediately after receiving information about the Dai Thang commune landfill from Lao Dong Newspaper, Vu Ban District Party Committee issued urgent dispatch No. 963-CV/HU, dated December 6, to Vu Ban District People's Committee.
The Standing Committee of the District Party Committee requested the District People's Committee to direct the district's functional branches; People's Committees of communes and towns to urgently inspect the current status of all landfills in the district, immediately stop burning garbage in violation of regulations; and report to the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee before December 10.
On December 11, Mr. Tran Minh Hoan - Secretary of Vu Ban District Party Committee - added that up to now, the Dai Thang commune landfill no longer has open burning of garbage. The open waste has been buried in soil and the landfill area is being treated and cleaned to ensure environmental hygiene.