The Ministry of Health issued the directive after many scandals in medical examination and treatment

Lệ Hà |

Recently, there have been a number of isolated incidents affecting the health sector .

On August 24, 2024, the Ministry of Health issued Directive No. 06/CT-BYT on strengthening management and improving the quality of medical examination and treatment services at medical examination and treatment facilities.

In recent times, medical examination and treatment work has achieved many positive results. However, in the context of the health sector, there are still many difficulties and challenges, especially the increase in the number of people coming for medical examination and treatment after the pandemic, concentrated in central and last-line hospitals, leading to overcrowding. load, affecting service quality and easily causing negativity; Recently, there have been a number of isolated incidents that have caused negative public opinion, affecting the image and reputation of the health sector.

To overcome shortcomings and continue to strengthen management and improve the quality of medical examination and treatment services, satisfaction of patients and patients' families, and better serve medical examination and treatment. for the people, the Minister of Health instructs the Directors of Hospitals under the Ministry of Health, Directors of Hospitals affiliated with Universities, Heads of Health of Ministries and branches, Directors of Provincial Health Departments, Centrally run cities, according to assigned functions and tasks, focus on directing:

Continue to thoroughly grasp the Code of Conduct, improve the responsibility of performing public duties, and professional regulations of medical staff; Strengthen the organization of training on communication, behavioral, and professional skills; implementing the motto "Taking the patient as the center", with the spirit of listening and asking for advice in patient care and treatment.

Review and rectify medical examination and treatment activities and practitioners at medical examination and treatment facilities according to the provisions of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment; Determining hospital quality management is the foundation

Strictly publicize hospital hotline numbers, hotline numbers of the Ministry of Health, medical examination and treatment service prices and necessary information that must be disclosed according to regulations; Posted in a place that is easily visible and accessible to patients and their family members to promptly capture feedback and ensure the legitimate rights of patients.

Promote the application of information technology and digital transformation in implementing medical examination and treatment processes; non-cash payment. At the same time, review and minimize administrative procedures that cause trouble for patients.

Proactively capture, provide and process information to promptly resolve difficulties, problems and incidents that arise in performing tasks.

Coordinate with law enforcement agencies in the area to organize and deploy solutions to ensure safety for medical staff during the performance of their duties; Promptly and strictly handle cases of violation or intentional spreading of false information that affects the trust of patients and people in people's health care...

Lệ Hà

Giám đốc Bệnh viện K: Xử lý nghiêm các trường hợp tiêu cực nếu có

Lệ Hà |

GS.TS Lê Văn Quảng, Giám đốc Bệnh viện K khẳng định: Chúng tôi sẽ xử lý nghiêm những trường hợp vi phạm về hoạt động khám, chữa bệnh (nếu có)...

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Hà Lê |

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Thiếu nhân lực, thuốc men, y tế công Quảng Nam điêu đứng

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Cole Palmer lập poker giúp Chelsea thắng Brighton 4-2

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Giờ thứ 9: Chia ly để hạnh phúc - Phần 2

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Tiễn biệt PGS Đặng Bích Hà về với Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp

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Director of Hospital K: Strictly handle negative cases, if any

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K Hospital strengthens the management of medical examination and treatment

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Lacking human resources and medicine, Quang Nam's public health sector is in dire straits

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K Hospital speaks out about patients having to pay money for radiotherapy

Hà Lê |

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