The child from Lang Nu village buried by flash floods is still in serious condition

Thùy Linh |

On September 24, Minister of Health Dao Hong Lan visited and encouraged child patients who were victims of the landslide caused by flash floods in Lang Nu.

Mong Hoang Thao Ng. (female, 11 years old), Tay ethnic group, is a victim of a landslide caused by flash floods in Lang Nu village - Phuc Khanh - Bao Yen - Lao Cai and is currently being treated at the Intensive Care Center, Bach Mai Hospital.

Minister of Health Dao Hong Lan visited and encouraged Thao Ng's family, sharing the losses that the patient's family and the victims of the recent floods had to endure, hoping that the family would soon overcome the pain and quickly stabilize their lives.

The Minister also highly appreciated the spirit and responsibility of the doctors of Bach Mai Hospital in joining hands with the entire Party, the entire people and the entire health sector to overcome the consequences of storms and floods with very practical and meaningful actions and work.

After 2 weeks of intensive treatment and care, as of today (September 24), patient Thao Ng. has shown some improvement. The patient is awake, can talk, eat through a tube, and has 2 bowel movements a day with yellow stools.

However, the child is still in serious condition: on a ventilator, combined with many antibiotics, nutrition, and rehabilitation. “The child’s serious problem is still the lungs due to inhaling mud and being submerged in water for a long time. X-rays show that the lungs still have many abscesses, a lot of phlegm in the cough… This afternoon, the hospital will continue to consult to focus all the best resources to treat the child,” Associate Professor, Dr. Vu Van Giap - Deputy Director of the hospital shared.

Bo truong Bo Y te tham hoi dong vien chau be va gia dinh. Anh: BVCC
Minister of Health visits and encourages buried Lang Nu child. Photo: BVCC

Previously, on September 11, Bach Mai Hospital received patient Thao Ng. transferred from Lao Cai Provincial General Hospital in the following conditions: Pneumonia due to drowning and inhaling mud, complications of ARDS - Multiple trauma - Fracture of the right clavicle - Contusion of the right liver - Soft tissue damage in many places - Monitoring for septic shock and multiple organ failure - Coagulation disorder - DIC - Acute rhabdomyolysis syndrome.

The child was consulted many times throughout the hospital by leading experts to find the best treatment regimen for him. On September 15, Bach Mai Hospital invited Prof. Dr. Hashimoto, Respiratory Specialist from the Respiratory Department, National Center for Global Health and Medicine Tokyo - Japan to join the consultation.

Directly participating in the consultation and directing the professional work of the treatment team for the child, Associate Professor, Dr. Dao Xuan Co - Hospital Director directed: The hospital will focus all resources on human resources, material resources, medicine, medical supplies... to treat and care for the child.

Thùy Linh

ĐH Đông Á sẽ cấp học bổng toàn phần nếu là sinh viên Làng Nủ

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Đinh Đại |

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Hiện trường cướp ô tô gây tai nạn liên hoàn ở Cần Thơ


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