"Stimulating fertility" is a solution to handle the risk of population decline

Thùy Linh |

The average birth rate per woman of childbearing age in many localities is very low and worrying. Without measures to "stimulate fertility", Vietnam's population will gradually decrease. The regulation that each couple only has 1-2 children, with a third child being punished, is no longer appropriate in the current context.

There must be a solution to "stimulate life" right now

The Ministry of Health said that Vietnam has reached replacement fertility levels but there are significant differences between regions. Of these, 9 provinces and cities have reached replacement fertility levels (accounting for 19% of the population); 33 provinces and cities have high fertility rates (accounting for 42% of the population) and 21 provinces and cities have low fertility rates (accounting for 39% of the population).

Places with high fertility rates and high replacement fertility rates include provinces in the Northern Midlands and Mountains (2.43 children/woman of reproductive age), the Red River Delta (2.35 children), and the North. Central and Central Coast (2.32 animals); Central Highlands (2.43 individuals), Southeast (1.56 individuals), Mekong Delta (1.8 individuals).

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Cu, former Director of the Institute of Population and Social Issues (National Economics University), said that there must be a solution to "stimulate vitality" right now, especially in the Eastern provinces. Southern region. At the same time, soon amend and abolish regulations related to the goal of reducing births, criteria for reducing the birth of a third child or more, as well as abolish regulations on disciplining party members with a third child.

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Duc Vinh, Director of the Institute of Sociology, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, also fully supports the proposal to abolish the regulation that each couple only has 1-2 children.

"The current reality in our country is that even if the regulation on having only 1-2 children is relaxed, very few people will want to have more than 2 children, so we don't need to worry too much that couples will have more than 2 children. too many children", Associate Professor Nguyen Duc Vinh emphasized.

However, to ensure replacement fertility levels nationwide, Associate Professor Nguyen Duc Vinh said that we need to have measures for areas with high fertility rates to reduce fertility, and areas with low fertility rates need to have policies to encourage encourage birth. At the same time, it should be noted that the Population Ordinance is still in effect and the loosening regulations are only proposals, so it is necessary to be consistent with the information stating "each couple has 1-2 children, except for special cases prescribed by the Government" remains in effect.

It is necessary to soon abolish the regulation on the goal of reducing the number of third children

Regarding this issue, recently the Department of Population - Ministry of Health proposed removing the regulation that each couple only has 1-2 children and giving them the right to decide the number of children, birth time, and spacing between children. births for couples.

According to Mr. Le Thanh Dung, Director of the Department of Population, the regulation that each couple only has 1-2 children has been applied for many years and each period has a different policy, including penalties. due to violating regulations on population policy such as having a third child...

However, at this point, the punishment for those who give birth to a third child is no longer appropriate. Our country is experiencing a trend of decreasing fertility, although not at an alarming rate, but it will become an important problem if we do not have solutions to intervene from now on. Therefore, relaxing the regulation on having 1-2 children is necessary.

Currently, the Population Department is asking for opinions from experts and researchers to have an official report with the Ministry of Health, and then report to the Government on solutions to create the most favorable conditions for couples. - Subjects who wish to have children to ensure the best quality of population and race.

Also according to the explanation of the leader of the Population Department, in reality today, many people have the desire and conditions to have a third child, especially civil servants. However, when they give birth to their third child, they encounter sanctions, especially for party members, which were established many years ago. Meanwhile, another group that is not subject to these sanctions, such as farmers and workers in remote areas, has many children.

Therefore, with the current trend of birth reduction in our country, Mr. Le Thanh Dung said that, looking from the experience of countries around the world, we must change this regulation. It is expected that the Department of Population will submit the draft Population Law to the Government in December 2024.

Thùy Linh

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Thùy Linh |

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