3 unusual signs on the hands warn of high blood sugar


According to Aboluowang, if you have some unusual signs on your hands as below, your blood sugar may be high.


3 signs when going to the toilet show that blood sugar is high


When going to the toilet, if you have the following 3 signs, your blood sugar may be high.

3 bad eating habits that increase blood sugar after eating


There are many causes of high blood sugar. Bad eating habits are also one of the causes of increased blood sugar after eating.

2 types of green vegetables are beneficial for people with high blood sugar


The two green foods below can be called "natural insulin". If diabetics eat a little every day, they will avoid the risk of high blood sugar.

Discussion on proposal to increase retirement age of military officers


The government proposed to increase the retirement age of military officers at most ranks, and add regulations on early promotion and salary increase.

Israel launches airstrikes on Gaza, 16 people killed


The northern Gaza Strip continued to be attacked by Israel on November 4, killing 16 people and injuring many others. Tanks are occupying a series of areas.

Storm No. 7 forecast in the East Sea can be very unpredictable


Storm forecasts show that storm Yinxing (Marce) could become storm number 7 in the East Sea with extremely unpredictable and complicated developments.

Gold prices drop dramatically, many people line up to buy despite difficulties


Domestic gold prices are still falling sharply despite the recovery of world gold prices. In Hanoi, many people flocked to stores to buy.

Gold price update morning 11/5: Gold rings continue to decline


Gold price update morning 11/5: Domestic gold price continues to decline. World gold price recovers slightly.

3 signs when going to the toilet show that blood sugar is high


When going to the toilet, if you have the following 3 signs, your blood sugar may be high.

3 bad eating habits that increase blood sugar after eating


There are many causes of high blood sugar. Bad eating habits are also one of the causes of increased blood sugar after eating.

2 types of green vegetables are beneficial for people with high blood sugar


The two green foods below can be called "natural insulin". If diabetics eat a little every day, they will avoid the risk of high blood sugar.