Weather forecast for the next 3 days from March 17 to March 19 in all three regions


According to the meteorological agency, the weather forecast for the North in the next 3 days is dry and cold.


Cold air is about to cause bad weather


Due to the impact of cold air, the weather forecast for the Gulf of Tonkin and some sea areas in the East Sea is about to have strong winds and big waves.

Forecast of the hottest sunny time of this summer


According to the representative of the meteorological agency, the peak summer hot weather in the Central region will be around July - August.

Weather forecast for the next 3 days from March 15 to March 17 in all three regions


According to the meteorological agency, the weather forecast in the North is expected to have rain and showers on March 16 due to the impact of cold air.

The Ministry of Education and Training talks about the first prize in science and technology being accused of being similar to a foreign project


If any violations are detected, the Ministry of Education and Training and the organizing committee will strictly handle them according to the contest regulations and other regulations of the industry.

Turkey arrests more than 1,100 strikers


Turkish authorities have arrested more than 1,100 people in protests against the imprisonment of the Istanbul Mayor.

You have to spend millions to bring a young master to the stage to transform


At Tay Phuong Cuc Lac and Hoan Vu Thien Duc Trident Temple, people have to spend from 3 to 5 million VND in fees to bring in pre-purchased mobile phones from outside.

Super thin tofu specialties in Thai Binh Canal Village


Thai Binh - Tofu from Kenh village is a dish known to many people for its unique features. The beans are super thin but still retain their richness and aroma.

Quang Ninh approves 110-storey construction area in Ha Long


Quang Ninh - According to the 1/2000 scale planning of Sub-zone 6, in the wards of Bai Chay, Hung Thang and Ha Khau, Ha Long City, there are areas where construction is allowed for a maximum of 110 floors.

Cold air is about to cause bad weather


Due to the impact of cold air, the weather forecast for the Gulf of Tonkin and some sea areas in the East Sea is about to have strong winds and big waves.

Forecast of the hottest sunny time of this summer


According to the representative of the meteorological agency, the peak summer hot weather in the Central region will be around July - August.

Weather forecast for the next 3 days from March 15 to March 17 in all three regions


According to the meteorological agency, the weather forecast in the North is expected to have rain and showers on March 16 due to the impact of cold air.