Pressure to buy houses as Hanoi increases land division area


Hanoi - Increasing the area of ​​land subdivision will be good for the city's planning but can create great pressure for people in need of housing.

The Hanoi People's Committee has just issued Decision No. 61 regulating important contents related to land management and use in the city.

One of the notable points of this decision is the conditions and minimum area for land division and consolidation.

Regarding the separation of residential land plots, in wards and towns, the area outside traffic routes, technical infrastructure works, public spaces, the land plot after separation must not be less than 50m2, the length must be over 4m and the width adjacent to traffic routes must be 4m or more.

For communes in the plains, the minimum area after land division is 80m2, for communes in the midlands it is 100m2, and for communes in the mountainous areas it is at least 150m2... This will be applied from October 7, 2024.

Currently, land division in Hanoi is applied according to Decision No. 20/2017. Accordingly, the land plot after division must have a minimum area of ​​30m2 for wards and towns and not less than 50% of the new land allocation limit (minimum) for the remaining areas.

Economist, Associate Professor, Dr. Dinh Trong Thinh said that raising the minimum area for land subdivision in wards and towns will create a mechanism to prevent widespread land subdivision, disrupting urban planning in central areas.

From the perspective of the people, Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Anh (in Thanh Xuan district, Hanoi) shared that increasing the area of ​​land division as currently regulated also creates some pressure for home buyers.

“With a 30m2 house, if the price is only from 80 to 100 million VND/m2, home buyers only need to spend about 3 billion VND to be able to buy a house. But if the minimum plot of land is 50m2, with the same price, people need about 5 billion VND to be able to hold the key in their hands, which is a problem,” Ms. Hong Anh confided.

According to Ms. Hong Anh, the difference in price is too big, making it difficult for many low-income people to achieve. Thus, the opportunity to buy a house for many people will also be closed.

The new regulations may also cause land and housing prices to continue to increase due to tighter supply. Mr. Pham Duc Toan - CEO of EZ Property - said that plots of land measuring 30-40 m2 are a popular segment for many people because they are affordable and can be built with multiple floors to increase the usable area.

Recently, it is not uncommon for investors to invest in buying residential plots of land, with an area of ​​90-120 m2, then divide the plots into many small plots and sell them, earning large profits.

However, when the minimum area for subdivision is increased, they will have to spend a lot of effort and capital to buy a large enough plot of land, which will lead to higher prices for the plots of land after being divided and subdivided.

Meanwhile, some experts said that according to the old regulations, the area for land division in the inner city is 30 square meters. Currently, all eligible land plots have been divided. Therefore, the new regulations on land division and consolidation will not affect the price and market too much.

"For example, in the past, there were many pre-built houses of about 30 square meters, making them more accessible to many people. When the area of ​​land is increased, the value of the house will increase. The city needs to have a strategy for developing social housing before applying new regulations so that people can access housing," the expert commented.


Quy định mới về điều kiện tách thửa đất ở tại Hà Nội 2024

Thạch Lam |

Ngày 27.9.2024, UBND TP.Hà Nội ban hành Quyết định 61/2024/QĐ-UBND. Trong đó có quy định về điều kiện tách thửa đối với thửa đất ở.

Nguyên tắc tách thửa đất mới nhất

Linh Đan |

Nguyên tắc tách thửa đất, hợp thửa đất được quy định tại Khoản 1 Điều 220 Luật Đất đai 2024 có hiệu lực từ ngày 1.8.2024.

Loạt địa phương có quy định mới về tách thửa đất

Thạch Lam |

Dưới đây là những địa phương có quyết định mới về tách thửa đất sau khi Luật Đất đai mới có hiệu lực từ ngày 1.8.2024.

Giá vàng cao kỷ lục, chọn kênh đầu tư nào để tránh mạo hiểm?

Hoàng Xuyến - Việt Anh |

Theo các chuyên gia, trong bối cảnh giá vàng tăng cao, người dân nên cẩn trọng khi đầu tư vào vàng. Dự kiến, chứng khoán là một thị trường đầu tư tiềm năng.

Hàng trăm người chui rào đập thủy điện, đổ xô bắt cá khủng


Đồng Nai - Hàng trăm người dân đổ xô xuống đập tràn của hồ Thủy điện Trị An để bắt cá khủng, kiếm tiền triệu.

Chưa rõ nguyên nhân hơn 40 người ở chung cư nghi ngộ độc


Nghệ An – Cơ quan chức năng đang tiếp tục xác minh nguyên nhân vụ hơn 40 người ở chung cư Golden City 3 (Nghi Phú, TP Vinh) có biểu hiện ngộ độc.

Thanh niên tử vong khi livestream cảnh báo sạt lở QL2

Lam Thanh |

Hà Giang - Vụ sạt lở trên QL2 đoạn qua xã Việt Vinh (huyện Bắc Quang) đã vùi lấp nhiều người và phương tiện.

Lực lượng chức năng căng mình phân luồng cầu phao Phong Châu

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - Ngày 30.9, khi cầu phao Phong Châu thông xe, lưu lượng phương tiện đổ về rất đông, các lực lượng chức năng phải căng mình điều tiết giao thông.

New regulations on conditions for land division in Hanoi 2024

Thạch Lam |

On September 27, 2024, the Hanoi People's Committee issued Decision 61/2024/QD-UBND. This includes regulations on the conditions for land division for residential land plots.

Latest land division principles

Linh Đan |

The principles of land division and land consolidation are stipulated in Clause 1, Article 220 of the 2024 Land Law, effective from August 1, 2024.

A series of localities have new regulations on land division

Thạch Lam |

Below are localities with new decisions on land division after the new Land Law takes effect from August 1, 2024.