New land price list narrows gap with market price

Bảo Chương |

Land prices for calculating financial obligations and land taxes will be based on the time of application submission after the land price list of Ho Chi Minh City takes effect.

Balanced prices for locations bordering localities

On the afternoon of October 22, the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee held a press conference to announce Decision No. 79/2024/QD-UBND on amending and supplementing Decision 02/2020 on land price list in Ho Chi Minh City.This decision will take effect from October 31, 2024 to December 31, 2025.

Mr. Nguyen Toan Thang, Director of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Ho Chi Minh City, said that the Department of Natural Resources and Environment has collected land price information from the price database and market transfer land prices, based on the actual socio-economic situation of the city to propose a land price list for residential land suitable for each district and Thu Duc City.

At the same time, we have reviewed and balanced prices for locations bordering districts, Thu Duc City and road sections and routes in the same area within the legal regulations allowing fluctuation amplitude, and have conditions for adjustment. The increase or decrease on the routes is based on the socio-economic situation, the city's land price at the present time and some other factors, so it is ensured that it is in accordance with the law. During the construction process, there have also been adjustments in land locations, especially agricultural land.

Regarding people's concerns about the sharp increase in land use fees, causing financial difficulties, Mr. Thang also said that the Government is drafting a decree related to the exemption and reduction of land use fees for people.

Land tax is implemented according to regulations at the time of application submission.

Regarding the issue of handling real estate records after the land price list is available, Mr. Nguyen Toan Thang said that, based on Decision 79, in cases where competent state agencies have received records of land users before the effective date of this decision, land prices for calculating financial obligations and land taxes will continue to be implemented according to regulations at the time of filing.

The Department of Natural Resources and Environment assessed that if the land price list according to Decision 02/2020 is about 30% of the market price in Ho Chi Minh City, the newly adjusted land price list will be about 50% of the market price. Notably, the price of commercial and service land has been adjusted down sharply.

Similarly, land prices for production and business (including land for industrial parks, industrial clusters, minerals; land for non-agricultural production facilities); national defense and security land; public land; land for building agency headquarters, public works; other non-agricultural land... are also adjusted down.

Regarding the agricultural land price framework, the Ho Chi Minh City Land Price Appraisal Council believes that the Department of Natural Resources and Environment has developed a land price list for agricultural land based on the agricultural land price stipulated in Decision 02/2020 multiplied by the land price adjustment coefficient (coefficient K) according to Decision 56/2023 to ensure stability for agricultural production activities. This also does not affect the case of land recovery by the State because at that time, the person whose land is recovered will have the specific land price determined according to the market price to calculate compensation.

Mr. Bui Xuan Cuong, Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee, said that the development of the land price list is a necessary task in accordance with the provisions of the 2024 Land Law. This is a very important, sensitive and complicated content when the scope of adjustment is large, with many impacts on many subjects. The city has been very careful, thorough, listening and absorbing opinions in the process of developing the land price list in the spirit of being suitable to the economic conditions of the city. At the same time, we still try to ensure the rights of the people to create consensus among the people. When implementing, there will certainly be many problems arising, the management agency will always listen to opinions and have solutions to ensure the rights of the people.

Bảo Chương

Bảng giá đất mới của TPHCM tác động nhiều đến các huyện

Bảo Chương |

Sau nhiều tháng chờ đợi, TPHCM đã chính thức ban hành bảng giá đất điều chỉnh.

TPHCM chính thức ban hành Bảng giá đất

Bảo Chương |

UBND TPHCM vừa ban hành Quyết định 79 quy định bảng giá đất điều chỉnh để áp dụng từ ngày 31.10 đến 31.12.2025.

Bảng giá đất nông nghiệp phù hợp với thực tế hơn

Bảo Chương |

TPHCM - Hội đồng Thẩm định Bảng giá đất TPHCM đã có báo cáo thẩm định dự thảo về bảng giá đất trên địa bàn TPHCM.

Dự báo thời điểm bão Trà Mi đạt cường độ cực đại giật cấp 15


Dự báo bão Trà Mi sẽ đạt cường độ cực đại khoảng cấp 12, giật cấp 15 khi tiến đến vùng biển quần đảo Hoàng Sa trong ngày 26.10.

Giờ thứ 9: Đứa con bất hạnh - Phần 1

Nhóm PV |

Giờ thứ 9 - Bé gái trong câu chuyện ngày hôm nay phải ở với bố dượng của mình sau khi mẹ đẻ ly hôn. Đứa bé sẽ lớn lên như thế nào và có cuộc sống ra sao?

Diễn biến mới vụ hóa đơn nước cao bất thường ở Thái Bình


Thái Bình - Trước hàng loạt hành động khó hiểu từ phía Công ty CP Nước sạch Thái Bình, khách hàng cho biết sẽ tiếp tục kiến nghị đến các cơ quan chức năng.

Phụ huynh cho con đi học trở lại sau khi nhà trường nhận sai


Ninh Bình - Sau 2 ngày cho con nghỉ học để làm rõ thông tin nhà trường dùng sữa hết hạn cho học sinh uống, ngày 23.10, các phụ huynh đã cho con đi học trở lại.

Biển Đông vẫn là điểm nóng với các tranh chấp lãnh thổ

Ngọc Vân |

Biển Đông vẫn là điểm nóng với các vấn đề tranh chấp lãnh thổ và khác biệt về yêu sách biển, cùng với tình hình quân sự hoá tại khu vực.

New land price list of Ho Chi Minh City has great impact on districts

Bảo Chương |

After many months of waiting, Ho Chi Minh City has officially issued the adjusted land price list.

Ho Chi Minh City officially issues Land Price List

Bảo Chương |

Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee has just issued Decision 79 regulating the adjusted land price list to be applied from October 31 to December 31, 2025.

Agricultural land price list is more suitable for reality

Bảo Chương |

HCMC - The HCMC Land Price Appraisal Council has reported on the appraisal of the draft land price list in HCMC.