Unexpectedly, one plot of land in Thanh Oai won the auction at 100 million VND per square meter.


Parcel of land LK03-10 in Thanh Oai District has a highest auction price of 100.05 million VND/m2, a difference of 88 million VND from the starting price.

Date 10.8, the Thanh Oai District Land Development Center cooperated with Company No. 5 National Auction to organize an auction of land use rights for 68 plots of land in the Ba Alley, Thanh Thần Village, Thanh Cao Commune (Thanh Oai District) with a total area of 10,297.3 m2.

The plots of land have an area of 60-85 m2 per plot with a starting price of 8.6 - 12.5 million VND/m2.

According to the investigation of PV Lao Động, many customers and investors have been present at the auction site (Thanh Oai District Sports Hall) from very early to queue, register, receive a code, and... follow the instructions of the organizing committee in order.

The land auction attracted nearly 1,500 customers. Photo: Cao Nguyên.
The land auction attracted nearly 1,500 customers. Photo: Cao Nguyên

Information from the organizing committee shows that a total of nearly 1,500 customers with over 4,000 registration forms participated in the auction. This is the most attractive auction, with the largest number of participants to date.

The district mobilized the police to control and ensure security inside and outside the area, and to patrol around the area.

In addition, the district arranged personnel to ensure logistical support such as seating, canopies on the approach road and waiting area, provided fans, and provided pens and bottled water for customers.

The land auction attracted thousands of people. Photo: Cao Nguyên.
The land auction attracted thousands of people. Photo: Cao Nguyên

During the nearly 4-hour official session (from 10:30 - 14:00), the results showed that many plots of land were sold at a price of nearly 10 billion VND, higher than the starting price.

For example, plot LK03-10 in Thanh Cao Commune, Thanh Oai District, had the highest auction price of 100.05 million VND/m2, an increase of 88 million VND/m2 from the starting price.

Or like plot LK01-4, with an area of 85m2, had a starting price of 11,247,000 VND/m2, the total starting price of the plot was 955,955,000 VND. After the auction, the plot was sold at 84,747,000 VND/m2, with a total price of 7.2 billion VND.

The organizing committee checks and announces the auction prices of customers. Photo: Cao Nguyên.
The organizing committee checks and announces the auction prices of customers. Photo: Cao Nguyên

According to the summary table, about 15 plots with a starting price of over 955 million VND/plot were all sold at a price of over 7 billion VND/plot. The lowest plot was plot LK06-9, with an area of 85m2, starting price of 8,667,000 VND/m2, total starting price of 736,695,000 VND. After the auction, the plot was sold at 51,867,000 VND/m2, with a total price of 4.4 billion VND.

The total amount of money Thanh Oai District collected from this land auction is 404.6 billion VND, with a difference of 349 billion VND (approximately 8 times) from the starting price.

Mr. Nguyen Cong Quang, Director of the Thanh Oai District Land Development Center, said that this is the first auction of 2024 in Thanh Oai District, creating a source of revenue for the district to invest in rural infrastructure and build new rural areas.

Mr. Nguyen Trong Kien, Vice Chairman of Thanh Oai District, said that 4,550 registration forms for land use rights were sold. The number of eligible registration forms is 4,439, with over 1,500 customers.

Mr. Kien confirmed that the auction process was completely safe, with a few customers having questions but no issues arose, and all were controlled.


Sắp đấu giá cho thuê 63.000m2 đất nông nghiệp ở Hà Nội

Thu Giang |

Huyện Đan Phượng (Hà Nội) sắp đấu giá 63.003m2 quyền sử dụng đất cho thuê đất nông nghiệp với giá khởi điểm 810 đồng/m2/năm.

Điều kiện tham gia đấu giá quyền sử dụng đất từ tháng 8.2024

Nhóm PV |

Chính phủ vừa ban hành Nghị định 102/2024/NĐ-CP quy định về đấu giá quyền sử dụng đất khi Nhà nước giao đất có thu tiền sử dụng đất, cho thuê đất.

Đấu giá đất liên tục sôi động ở 3 huyện ngoại thành Hà Nội

Thu Giang |

3 huyện ngoại thành Hà Nội như Sóc Sơn, Đa Phượng, Mê Linh thời gian qua liên tục tổ chức đấu giá đất.

Áp thấp mạnh lên thành bão, mưa lớn ở Bắc Bộ, Trung Bộ

Khương Duy |

Cục Quản lý đê điều và Phòng, chống thiên tai vừa phát đi tin áp thấp nhiệt đới gần Biển Đông và cảnh báo mưa lớn ở nhiều nơi.

Mệt mỏi vì bơm xong lại ngập trong biệt thự chục tỉ ở Hà Nội

Đền Phú - Vân Trường |

Hà Nội - Sau khi được bơm nước, dọn dẹp sau bão số 3, nhiều biệt thự tại KĐT Nam An Khánh lại ngập sau cơn mưa lớn.

Đại diện quán cơm bị tẩy chay ở Hạ Long xin lỗi khách hàng

Nguyễn Hùng |

Quảng Ninh - Thông tin từ UBND TP Hạ Long sáng 17.9, tại buổi làm việc giữa các bên hôm qua, đại diện quán Cơm sạch bà Liên đã lên tiếng xin lỗi khách hàng.

Kỳ thủ Lê Quang Liêm thắng đương kim vô địch thế giới

tam nguyên |

Chiến thắng của Lê Quang Liêm giúp tuyển Việt Nam hòa tuyển Trung Quốc tại Olympiad Cờ vua 2024.

Còn bao nhiêu hồ thủy điện mở cửa xả lũ?


Đến nay, các hồ thủy điện đang thực hiện xả điều tiết gồm Tuyên Quang (1 cửa), Thác Bà (2 cửa), Trung Sơn (3 cửa), Bản Vẽ (3 cửa).

The land for lease of 63,000m2 in agricultural area in Hanoi is to be auctioned

Thu Giang |

The District of Đan Phượng (Hà Nội) is soon to auction 63.003m2 of land use rights for leasing agricultural land at a starting price of 810 dong/m2/year.

Conditions for participating in the auction of land use rights from August 2024

Nhóm PV |

The Government has just issued Decree 102/2024/ND-CP regulating the auction of land use rights when the State allocates land with land use fees and leases land.

Land auctions are continuously exciting in 3 suburban districts of Hanoi

Thu Giang |

3 districts on the outskirts of Hanoi such as Soc Son, Da Phuong, Me Linh have recently continuously organized land auctions .