Hundred-year-old villa to be demolished to build 2,000 billion VND embankment


Dong Nai - The ancient villa of Governor Vo Ha Thanh (Mr. Phu's mansion) which is over a hundred years old is about to be demolished to construct the Dong Nai river embankment and road project worth about 2,000 billion VND.

The project encroaches on Mr. Phu's house about 9m.

In recent days, many people have expressed regret when learning that the century-old mansion of Mr. Phu in Quarter 5, Buu Long Ward, Bien Hoa City is facing the risk of being demolished to build a project to build an embankment and road along the Dong Nai River.

The Dong Nai riverside road construction project (total investment of VND 1,339 billion) started at the end of December 2021. About a year later, the Dong Nai river embankment construction project (total investment of more than VND 613 billion) also started. Thus, both projects are being implemented simultaneously up to now.

Thi cong du an ke va duong ven song Dong Nai, tong muc dau tu khoang 2.000 ti dong. Anh: HAC
Construction of the Dong Nai river embankment and road project, with a total investment of about 2,000 billion VND. Photo: HAC

The planning area for the project will encroach on Mr. Phu's mansion by about 9m, equivalent to about half of this villa.

The architectural work of the former mansion of Governor Vo Ha Thanh was built in 1922, located along the Dong Nai River, with Western-style architecture, historical and architectural value. To build this villa, 100% of the materials were imported from France in the early 20th century.

It is known that Mr. Phu's mansion was built in French style. For many years, the building has been considered a highlight of the region, a tourist destination closely associated with local culture and history.

This house was once rented as a film set for filming the movie Nguoi dep Tay Do.

People living near this area said that the house has been attached to the memories of Bien Hoa people for many generations.

Consider solutions for the fate of Mr. Phu's mansion

Speaking to Lao Dong reporter, Dr. Vo Kim Cuong - former Deputy Chief Architect of Ho Chi Minh City - stated that if ancient architectural works are demolished, they will never come back. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention and consider carefully when dismantling old works. According to Mr. Kim Cuong, there are many ways to preserve ancient works, because preserving heritage is very meaningful.

"New projects that are not important routes, such as highways, must meet strict requirements, so it is completely possible to adjust, redesign, and change the project's function to be more suitable," Dr. Vo Kim Cuong emphasized.

Hien trang nha lau ong Phu o TP Bien Hoa, Dong Nai. Anh: HAC
Current status of Mr. Phu's mansion in Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai. Photo: HAC

Mr. Tran Quang Toai - Chairman of Dong Nai Historical Science Association - said: The above house has many meanings, historical and cultural values ​​of Bien Hoa - Dong Nai, so there should be measures to preserve it. Mr. Toai also proposed a solution to straighten the winding road along the river next to the 100-year-old villa, helping to preserve and develop heritage values.

Currently, Bien Hoa City People's Committee said that it will invite experts and specialized departments to give their opinions to find the optimal solution for the above-mentioned ancient villa. Dong Nai Province Department of Construction has chaired and coordinated with the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism to conduct a survey of the villa, record the wishes of the homeowner, and will synthesize the opinions of departments and branches to submit to Dong Nai Province People's Committee for consideration and decision.

According to the compensation price calculation table for the implementation of the Dong Nai riverside road project of the Bien Hoa city land fund development center on February 23, 2022, the property of Mr. Phu's house at address 99A, quarter 5, Buu Long ward is nearly 5.4 billion VND.

The representative of the investor of the Dong Nai riverside road construction project said that the road construction is approaching the villa. The contractor is still constructing the pipeline in front of the villa.

According to the Bien Hoa City Project Management Board (project investor), the project will carry out site clearance compensation and resettlement land allocation with a scale of 17.6 hectares (road part) and 2.6 hectares (embankment part) with 545 households to be cleared. Of which, 295 households will be cleared.

Some images recorded by PV:

Lau ong Phu duoc xay dung tu nam 1922, toa lac tai vung dat Bien Hoa, co mat tien huong ra song Dong Nai. Anh: HAC
Located in Bien Hoa, Ong Phu's mansion was built in 1922 with French colonial architecture, facing the Dong Nai River. Photo: HAC
Trai qua nhieu nam, lau ong Phu gan lien voi van hoa, lich su nguoi dan dia phuong. Anh: HAC
Over the years, Ong Phu's mansion has been closely associated with the culture and history of local people, becoming a tourist highlight in Dong Nai. Photo: HAC
Ben trong can biet thu co. Anh: HAC
Inside the ancient villa. Photo: HAC
Trai qua hon 100 nam, can biet thu co da xuong cap, tuong bong troc, lo ro phan loi be tong. Anh: HAC
The old villa is currently in disrepair, with moldy, peeling walls, revealing the concrete core. Photo: HAC
Co moc day o loi ra vao can biet thu co. Anh: HAC
Grass grows all over the entrance to the old villa. Photo: HAC

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