Can I change my name to the red book when I still owe land rent?

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The article below will answer questions about transferring the name of the red book when land rent is still owed.

What is red book name change?

Currently, the law does not have a specific definition of red book title transfer, however, red book title transfer is a common way for people to refer to the change registration procedure when transferring, donating, or inheriting rights. land use, land use rights and other assets attached to land.

Can I change my name to the red book when I still owe land rent?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 45 of the Land Law 2024, land users can exercise the rights to convert, transfer, lease, sublease, inherit, and donate land use rights; Mortgage or capital contribution using land use rights when the following conditions are met:

- Have a Certificate of land use rights or Certificate of house ownership and residential land use rights or Certificate of land use rights, ownership of houses and other assets attached to land or Certificate land use rights, ownership of assets attached to land, except in cases of inheritance of land use rights, conversion of agricultural land when consolidating fields, exchanging plots, donating land use rights to the State or community residence and cases specified in Clause 7, Article 124 and Point a, Clause 4, Article 127 of the Land Law 2024.

- Land is not in dispute or the dispute has been resolved by a competent state agency, the judgment or decision of the Court, or the decision or award of the Arbitration has taken legal effect.

- Land use rights are not distrained, other measures are applied to ensure judgment enforcement according to the provisions of the law on civil judgment enforcement.

- During the land use term.

- Land use rights are not subject to temporary emergency measures according to the provisions of law.

At the same time, according to Clause 5, Article 45 of the Land Law 2024, it is stipulated that in cases where a land user is allowed to delay the performance of financial obligations or is credited with a financial obligation, he or she must complete the financial obligation before performing it. the rights to convert, transfer, lease, sublease, donate land use rights, mortgage, and contribute capital with land use rights.

Thus, according to the above regulations, land users can exercise the rights to convert, transfer, lease, sublease, inherit, and donate land use rights; mortgage or contribute capital with land use rights when all the above conditions are met.

In cases where land users are allowed to delay financial obligations; or if a financial obligation is debited, the financial obligation must be fulfilled before transferring the red book name.

Như Hạ (T/H)

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