Resettlement land prices cost a fortune, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment speaks out

Tạ Quang |

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment requested the People's Committee of Can Tho City to direct relevant agencies and units to inspect and review compensation and support work on resettlement land prices in Can Tho.

Authorized by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment (TNMT), Director of the Department of Planning and Land Resources Development Dao Trung Chinh signed and issued a document to the People's Committee of Can Tho City regarding the handling of information, press, and public opinion reflecting that the price of resettlement land when implementing the Can Tho - Ca Mau expressway project in Can Tho City is many times higher than the land compensation, leading to households not having enough money to pay when being allocated resettlement land.

Gia dat cao khien ho khong the nao co du tien de mua, xay nha sinh song. Anh: Ta Quang
High land prices make it impossible for them to have enough money to buy or build a house to live in. Photo: Ta Quang

The document stated that, through monitoring information, press, and public opinion, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment learned that Lao Dong Newspaper had an article: When Can Tho people cry out because the resettlement land price costs a fortune; accordingly, it reflected that the price of resettlement land allocated to households and individuals when reclaiming land to implement the Can Tho - Ca Mau expressway project in Can Tho City was too high (the lowest land use fee was 14.5 million VND/m2 and the highest was 21.6 million VND/m2), many times higher than the compensation for land, leading to households and individuals not having enough money to pay when being allocated resettlement land, causing confusion because there was no more capital to do business and live.

To promptly grasp information and have appropriate solutions, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment requests the People's Committee of Can Tho City to direct relevant agencies and units to inspect and review the compensation, support and resettlement work for households and individuals when land is recovered to implement the Can Tho - Ca Mau expressway project in Can Tho City.

Khu tai dinh cu thuoc quan Cai Rang - TP Can Tho. Anh: Ta Quang
Resettlement area in Cai Rang district - Can Tho city. Photo: Ta Quang

In addition, propose measures to handle cases of non-compliance with legal regulations, affecting people's rights and send reports to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

As reported by Lao Dong Newspaper, dozens of households in Tan Phu, Phu Thu, Thuong Thanh wards, Cai Rang district, Can Tho City affected by the Can Tho - Hau Giang expressway project, part of the North-South expressway construction investment project in the East phase 2021 - 2025, have submitted a petition to the National Assembly, the Prime Minister, and the Government Inspectorate with the content of requesting to review the land price for households to be resettled when the state reclaims land to implement the above project.

These households said that with the above land price, they had to pay an average of 4 times the compensation. Most of them are working class, even very poor. Therefore, they cannot afford to buy and build a house to live in. The households are in a deadlock, not knowing how to earn enough money to buy resettlement land.

Ong Le Van Luc (66 tuoi). Anh: Ta Quang
Mr. Le Van Luc (66 years old). Photo: Ta Quang

As a household whose entire land area of ​​about 3,000 square meters was affected by the highway project, Mr. Le Van Luc (66 years old) shared that if he paid for the infrastructure and finished building the house, he would be left with nothing.

Mr. Nguyen Van Hien (60 years old) was confused and said: "After hearing the land price of 14.5 million VND/m2, I felt very uneasy because I didn't know where to get the money to pay."

Tạ Quang

Giá đất tái định cư quá cao, nhiều hộ dân ở Cần Thơ gặp khó


Nhiều hộ dân ở các phường Tân Phú, Phú Thứ, Thường Thạnh, quận Cái Răng, TP Cần Thơ đang rơi vào cảnh bế tắc, lo lắng, thậm chí bất bình bởi vì giá đất tái định cư quá cao, từ 14,5 - 21,6 triệu đồng/m2.

Ban Dân nguyện lên tiếng vụ giá đất tái định cư trên trời


Ban Dân nguyện (Ủy ban Thường vụ Quốc hội) đã chuyển đơn của công dân đến Chủ tịch UBND TP Cần Thơ để xem xét, chỉ đạo giải quyết về giá đất tái định cư.

Giá đất tái định cư "trên trời", cuộc sống người dân bế tắc


Giá đất tái định cư quá cao (từ 14,5 - 21,6 triệu đồng/m2) khiến nhiều hộ dân ở Cần Thơ rơi vào cảnh bế tắc, hoang mang.

“Thót tim” cảnh cầu treo rung lắc dữ dội khi có xe đi qua


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Mất khí đốt Nga, EU tê liệt tăng trưởng

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Cô gái có thói quen đi chân trần bị “vi khuẩn ăn thịt người”


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Resettlement land prices are too high, many households in Can Tho face difficulties


Many households in Tan Phu, Phu Thu, Thuong Thanh wards, Cai Rang district, Can Tho city are in a deadlock, worried, even dissatisfied because the resettlement land price is too high, from 14.5 - 21.6 million VND/m2.

The People's Petition Committee speaks out about the sky-high resettlement land prices


The People's Petition Committee (National Assembly Standing Committee) has forwarded the citizen's petition to the Chairman of the Can Tho City People's Committee for consideration and direction on the settlement of resettlement land prices.

Resettlement land prices are sky-high, people's lives are in a deadlock


The price of resettlement land is too high (from 14.5 - 21.6 million VND/m2) causing many households in Can Tho to fall into a deadlock and confusion.