Resettlement land prices are too high, many households in Can Tho face difficulties


Many households in Tan Phu, Phu Thu, Thuong Thanh wards, Cai Rang district, Can Tho city are in a deadlock, worried, even dissatisfied because the resettlement land price is too high, from 14.5 - 21.6 million VND/m2.

Resettlement land price is 4 times higher than land compensation price

Sharing with Lao Dong Newspaper, Mr. Le Van Luc (66 years old, Tan Phu Residential Area, Cai Rang District, Can Tho City) said that his house was affected by the entire land area of ​​about 3,000m2 by the Can Tho - Hau Giang Expressway project, part of the North - South Expressway Construction Investment Project in the East phase 2021 - 2025.

“I was given 4 resettlement plots and support to buy 1 resettlement plot. However, the land use fee when handing over the resettlement plots is too high, from 14.5 to 21.6 million VND/m2 (depending on the plot location). If my family pays for infrastructure and builds a house in this resettlement area, we will be left empty-handed,” said Mr. Luc.

Mr. Nguyen Van Hien (60 years old) was confused and said: "After hearing the land price of 14.5 million VND/m2, I feel very uneasy. I hope the state authorities will carefully review and have a suitable price for people to settle down." According to the sharing of the households here, previously, the People's Committee of Cai Rang District (Can Tho City) allocated resettlement land to the households and told them to build houses to live in. At this time, the People's Committee of Can Tho City has not yet made a decision on the land use fee collection price for resettlement houses. These households have received compensation for land with the lowest price of 4.5 million VND/m2 and the highest price of nearly 8 million VND/m2 (urban land).

By August 23, 2023, Can Tho City People's Committee issued Decision No. 1952 approving the land use fee collection price for resettlement areas. The lowest land price is 14.5 million VND/m2 and the highest is 21.6 million VND/m2 (depending on location).

These households said that with the above land price, they have to pay on average 4 times the compensation... Therefore, they cannot have enough money to buy and build a house to live in. The households are in a deadlock, not knowing how to have more money to buy resettlement land.

Nha ong Le Van Luc bi anh huong toan bo dien tich dat khoang 3.000m2 boi du an duong cao toc nhung gia dat tai dinh cu qua cao. Anh: Yen Phuong
Mr. Le Van Luc's entire land area of ​​about 3,000 square meters was affected by the highway project, but the resettlement land price was too high. Photo: Yen Phuong

Proposal to review land prices

Faced with the above situation, 40 households in Cai Rang District, Can Tho City affected by this highway project have submitted a petition to the National Assembly, the Prime Minister, and the Government Inspectorate with the content of requesting to review the land price for households to be resettled when the State reclaims land to implement the above project. These households said that the unit price for resettlement land allocation is many times higher than the unit price for compensation for residential land.

“We are aware that this is a national key project, necessary for the socio-economic development of the Mekong Delta. Therefore, we have complied with the land handover so that the State can quickly implement the expressway project. However, the impact of the project on us is too serious, even disrupting our lives, primarily due to the resettlement settlement” - dozens of households who signed said.

Regarding the above issue, the Petition Committee (Committee of the National Assembly Standing Committee) has sent Official Dispatch No. 582 to the Chairman of the People's Committee of Can Tho City. Accordingly, the Petition Committee forwarded the petitions of 40 households in Cai Rang District to the Chairman of the People's Committee of Can Tho City for consideration, direction to resolve within the authority, in accordance with the provisions of law, respond to citizens and report the results of the resolution to the Petition Committee to perform the task of supervising the resolution of complaints and denunciations of the National Assembly Standing Committee.

According to Mr. Phan Thanh Hoang - Deputy Director of the Project Management and Land Fund Development Board of Cai Rang District, Can Tho City, the procedures for valuation are in accordance with regulations and processes. However, the method of comparing with market price and interest rate is not suitable for people whose land is affected by the project.

“The price of 7.5 million VND/m2 is appropriate, ensuring the rights of the people. In the near future, the Board will advise the District People's Committee, synthesize all opinions and recommendations of the people to the city for consideration and resolution,” Mr. Hoang added.


Ban Dân nguyện lên tiếng vụ giá đất tái định cư trên trời


Ban Dân nguyện (Ủy ban Thường vụ Quốc hội) đã chuyển đơn của công dân đến Chủ tịch UBND TP Cần Thơ để xem xét, chỉ đạo giải quyết về giá đất tái định cư.

Khi dân Cần Thơ kêu trời vì giá đất tái định cư "trên trời"

Lê Thanh Phong |

Nhiều hộ dân ở Cần Thơ bế tắc vì giá đất tái định cư “trên trời”, từ 14,5 - 21,6 triệu đồng/m2.

Giá đất tái định cư "trên trời", cuộc sống người dân bế tắc


Giá đất tái định cư quá cao (từ 14,5 - 21,6 triệu đồng/m2) khiến nhiều hộ dân ở Cần Thơ rơi vào cảnh bế tắc, hoang mang.

Cây mai cổ xù kỳ mỹ ở Kiên Giang xác lập kỷ lục Việt Nam


Kiên Giang - Cổ xù kỳ mỹ là cây mai vàng kiểng cổ, xù chảy toàn thân, dáng trực một cốt đạt giá trị độc bản tại Việt Nam.

Bánh lá liễu độc lạ của người Tiều ở Chợ Lớn

Thạch Lựu |

Với màu hồng bắt mắt, bánh lá liễu (hay bánh hồng đào) là món ăn truyền thống của người Triều Châu luôn có trong những dịp lễ, Tết.

Miền Bắc sắp chuyển mưa rất to, có nơi vượt mốc 200mm


Cơ quan khí tượng dự báo từ chiều tối 29.9, miền Bắc chuyển mưa rào và dông. Trọng tâm mưa ở khu vực trung du và vùng núi.

Tàu trật bánh hai lần trong một ngày khi qua Huế


HUẾ - Chỉ trong một ngày, tàu khi qua địa bàn Thừa Thiên Huế trật bánh hai lần.

Bản tin công đoàn: Educa hoàn tiền vụ đưa người đi Hàn Quốc


Bản tin công đoàn: Chỉ đạo nóng vụ người nước ngoài ở NOXH; Educa nhận "ngoài tầm kiểm soát" vụ đưa người đi Hàn Quốc...

The People's Petition Committee speaks out about the sky-high resettlement land prices


The People's Petition Committee (National Assembly Standing Committee) has forwarded the citizen's petition to the Chairman of the Can Tho City People's Committee for consideration and direction on the settlement of resettlement land prices.

When Can Tho residents cry out because of "sky-high" resettlement land prices

Lê Thanh Phong |

Many households in Can Tho are stuck because of the sky-high resettlement land prices, from 14.5 - 21.6 million VND/m2.

Resettlement land prices are sky-high, people's lives are in a deadlock


The price of resettlement land is too high (from 14.5 - 21.6 million VND/m2) causing many households in Can Tho to fall into a deadlock and confusion.