The first social housing project in Pho Yen City

Lam Thanh |

Thai Nguyen - Dai Thang social housing project in Pho Yen city will meet the housing needs of about 800 low-income people.

The social housing project - Dai Thang Residential Area in Dong Tien Ward and Bai Bong Ward, Pho Yen City started construction in April 2024.

The project is over 11 hectares wide, of which the investor has reserved nearly 1 hectare to build social housing with 34 2-storey townhouses, an 18-storey apartment building with 361 apartments, each apartment has an area of ​​26.7m2 to 70m2, arranged with 1 to 3 rooms.

Du an nha o xa hoi, khu dan cu Dai Thang. Anh: Lam Thanh
Social housing project, Dai Thang residential area. Photo: Lam Thanh

The total investment of the project is more than 700 billion VND, meeting the accommodation needs of 800 low-income people and workers in industrial parks in the area.

Recorded by PV on September 28, workers and machinery were mobilized to carry out construction. Currently, construction is underway on the 5th floor of the apartment building, and adjacent houses are also under construction.

The project is located right at the gateway to Pho Yen city, close to the Hanoi - Thai Nguyen highway. About 400m from the project site are factories and industrial clusters with thousands of workers. This is the first social housing project to be started in Pho Yen city.

Toa chung cu va cac day nha o lien ke dang duoc thi cong. Anh: Lam Thanh
The apartment building and adjacent houses are under construction. Photo: Lam Thanh

According to the investor, the policy of purchasing social housing at the project and the conditions for borrowing capital are applied according to the Government's regulations. Residents receive preferential policies such as a loan interest rate of 4.8% per year. The maximum loan amount is 80% of the value of purchasing or renting social housing, with a maximum loan term of 25 years.

Talking to Lao Dong Newspaper, Mr. Duong Van Truong - Chairman of Bai Bong Ward People's Committee said that the project has more than 6 hectares in Bai Bong Ward. Currently, the site clearance has been completed and 100% has been handed over to the investor for construction. The recent flood did not affect the project, the contractor is still speeding up the progress.

It is known that from now until 2025, Thai Nguyen province will build nearly 9,000 social housing units. Currently, 4 social housing projects have been approved with a total of nearly 2,000 units.

Previously, in early March 2024, the social housing project in Tich Luong ward (Thai Nguyen city) was also deployed with a scale of 11.3 hectares, the total investment in phase 1 was 1,300 billion VND, including 11 buildings from 5 to 10 floors.

Some pictures at the project:

Khuon vien du an nha o xa hoi, khu dan cu Dai Thang. Anh: Lam Thanh
The campus of the social housing project, Dai Thang residential area. Photo: Lam Thanh
Thi cong toa chung cu 18 tang tai du an. Anh: Lam Thanh
Construction of an 18-storey apartment building at the project. Photo: Lam Thanh
Cac nha thau trien khai thi cong du an. Anh: Lam Thanh
Contractors implementing the project. Photo: Lam Thanh
Du an nam sat cao toc Ha Noi - Thai Nguyen. Anh: Lam Thanh
The project is located next to the Hanoi - Thai Nguyen highway. Photo: Lam Thanh
Phoi canh du an. Anh: Chu dau tu
Project perspective. Photo: Investor
Lam Thanh

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