Suburban district cancels auction, brokers stop transactions


According to Lao Dong reporters, the two "hottest" auctioned land lots recently, the auctioned land lots in Thanh Than village (Thanh Cao commune, Thanh Oai district) and Long Khuc village (Tien Yen commune, Hoai Duc district) in recent days, show that real estate brokers and customers are absent.

Sharing with reporters, Mr. Do Manh Luc - a real estate broker said, before, there were dozens of phone calls every day asking to buy land that had just won the auction in Thanh Cao commune, Thanh Oai district.

However, in the past few days, when someone wanted to buy the land, the landowner did not sell, so there are no more transactions here for the time being. "Currently, the landowners are temporarily suspending land sales while waiting for the authorities to check the recent auction process," said Mr. Luc.

Similarly in Hoai Duc district, the owners of the land plots in Long Khuc village have also temporarily suspended transactions, which is also the reason why real estate brokers are no longer present at the land plots.

A representative of the Hoai Duc District Land Fund Development Center said that according to regulations, a land plot that has not been granted a land use rights certificate is not eligible for transaction.

Only when the auction winner completes his financial obligations and is granted a land use rights certificate can he transfer the land.

Recently, the People's Committee of Thanh Oai district (Hanoi city) sent an official dispatch to the district's Land Fund Development Center and two auction organizing companies.

According to the plan, in September 2024, Thanh Oai district will organize an auction of 114 land plots in Dam area, Muc Xa village, Cao Duong commune in 2 sessions (57 land plots each session).

Of which, 57 lots in the first phase were auctioned on September 8. These lots have areas ranging from over 74m2 to nearly 135m2, all with starting prices of 8.8 million VND/m2.

However, Thanh Oai District People's Committee has requested the two auction companies to temporarily suspend the two auctions and notify customers to receive a refund of the money they paid for the documents (if any).

The agency said it will announce the re-organization of the auction after reviewing the legality and conditions, ensuring compliance with legal regulations.

Previously, National Joint Stock Auction Company No. 5 has just issued a notice on the temporary suspension of auctions of land use rights for 27 plots of land in Phu Luong, Yen Nghia and Duong Noi wards (Ha Dong district).

Hoai Duc district also announced the suspension of the auction on August 26 for 20 plots of land LK01, LK02 and the auction on September 9 for 32 plots of land LK05, LK06.

Be careful when hunting for land in areas with "hot spots" for auctions.

Ms. Pham Thi Mien - Deputy Head of Market Research and Investment Consulting and Promotion Department of Vietnam Association of Realtors (VARS) - commented that the auction land market in the suburbs of Hanoi is showing signs of "speculation and price inflation".

It is likely that there are groups that are deliberately pushing the price of a few lots to the peak to create a media effect and orient public opinion. Then, they will make a profit from other lots in the area.

From the above issues, Ms. Mien advised that investors and customers who want to learn about and buy land in the suburbs, especially in areas near the auction that just took place, need to be alert.


Lý do huyện Thanh Oai tiếp tục dừng đấu giá 57 thửa đất


UBND huyện Thanh Oai cho biết, sẽ thông báo tổ chức lại cuộc đấu giá sau khi rà soát pháp lý, điều kiện, đảm bảo theo đúng quy định pháp luật.

Cẩn trọng khi săn đất nền tại khu vực có điểm nóng đấu giá


Những khu vực đất vừa được đấu giá rất dễ để nhóm đầu tư, môi giới đẩy giá lên cao. Nếu nhà đầu tư không tỉnh táo sẽ phải mua với giá cao hơn thị trường.

Đấu giá đất ở Hoài Đức: Trong bình thường có bất thường

Linh Trang |

Hội Môi giới Bất động sản Việt Nam (VARS) cho rằng, phiên đấu giá ở Hoài Đức (Hà Nội) vừa bất thường lại vừa bình thường.

Xe tải bốc cháy ngùn ngụt trên cao tốc Vĩnh Hảo - Phan Thiết

Duy Tuấn |

Bình Thuận - Xe tải đang lưu thông thì bốc cháy ngùn ngụt trên cao tốc Vĩnh Hảo - Phan Thiết.

Tin 20h: Yên Bái kiểm tra nhà hàng "chặt chém" đoàn từ thiện

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Tin 20h ngày 19.9: Bà Nguyễn Phương Hằng được ra tù vào hôm nay; Yên Bái kiểm tra nhà hàng bị tố chặt chém đoàn từ thiện...

Phía Miss Universe nói về thông tin Kỳ Duyên chưa tốt nghiệp

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Thông tin Hoa hậu Kỳ Duyên chưa tốt nghiệp Trường Đại học Ngoại Thương gây xôn xao mạng xã hội.

Thể Công Tân Cảng bảo vệ thành công chức vô địch giải bóng chuyền U23 Quốc gia 2024

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U23 Thể Công Tân Cảng thắng U23 Ninh Bình 3-1 tại chung kết giải bóng chuyền U23 quốc gia vào tối 19.9.

Chậu hoa giấy trên phố đi bộ ở Đà Nẵng đồng loạt "nằm" tránh bão

Nguyễn Linh |

UBND quận Hải Châu, TP Đà Nẵng cho biết đã chủ động đặt nằm các chậu hoa giấy tại phố đi bộ Bạch Đằng để tránh thiệt hại bởi ảnh hưởng của cơn bão số 4.

Reason why Thanh Oai district continues to stop auctioning 57 land plots


Thanh Oai District People's Committee said that it will announce the re-organization of the auction after reviewing the legality and conditions, ensuring compliance with legal regulations.

Be careful when hunting for land in areas with auction hot spots


Land areas that have just been auctioned are easy for investment groups and brokers to push up prices. If investors are not alert, they will have to buy at a higher price than the market.

Land auction in Hoai Duc: In normality, there are abnormalities

Linh Trang |

Vietnam Association of Real Estate Brokers (VARS) said that the auction in Hoai Duc (Hanoi) is both unusual and normal.