Preparing to withdraw money from the bank to buy a house to rent out


Can Tho - The real estate market is warming up, many people are considering withdrawing bank deposits to buy houses and apartments for rent with the desire to reduce risks and increase profits.

According to Can Tho City Real Estate Association (CaREA), land prices in 2024 in the Mekong Delta will almost remain the same, not increasing compared to 2023. The apartment segment is mainly developed in Can Tho City, in 6 months At the beginning of 2024, it will increase by 5-6%.

CaREA forecasts that in the last 6 months of the year, demand will still focus on the apartment segment with real housing needs, with appropriate prices. The apartment segment will remain stable and may increase by 5-7%, land plots will also start to increase by 8-10% compared to the first 6 months of the year.

Investors are considering withdrawing bank deposits to buy houses and apartments for rent. Photo: Phong Linh
Many people are considering withdrawing money from banks to buy houses and apartments for rent. Photo: Phong Linh

Although apartment prices are forecast to increase in the near future, many small and retail investors tend to withdraw bank deposits to invest in this segment.

Mr. Nguyen Minh Tam (Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city) said that he is considering withdrawing money from the bank and borrowing some more to invest in the apartment segment. The reason is that the real estate market is gradually warming up with positive signs plus low lending interest rates. However, while waiting for a good price to sell, he will rent it out to earn more income.

“Currently, people's demand for housing is increasing, while the prices of apartments and houses are higher than their finances. Investing in rental apartments will expand the customer base, meeting the needs of workers who are not economically qualified to buy a house. This also helps me earn a stable source of money every month while waiting for the house to increase in price and can sell it when I achieve a good profit," Mr. Tam shared.

Mr. Pham Thanh Phong (O Mon district, Can Tho city) also plans to invest in apartments and houses for rent with the desire to expand the source of income instead of buying and reselling immediately. However, Mr. Phong is considering whether, in addition to withdrawing money from the bank, he should borrow more when lending interest rates are low.

“Investing and renting before waiting for a good price will help have more cash flow, but I'm still considering whether to borrow from the bank. Because if you borrow too much, exceeding your financial capacity, it will lead to a large debt repayment burden and high risk," Mr. Phong said.

According to the Vietnam Association of Real Estate Brokers (VARS), the real estate market in the second quarter of 2024 continues to record signs of improvement. Primary housing supply reached about 27,335 products, with about 19,747 new products offered for sale. VARS believes that, in the context that the real estate market has not fully recovered and supply is still scarce, the apartment segment will continue to be an attractive, low-risk choice for investors.


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