Inspecting the implementation of social housing projects


Responding to voters, the Government Inspectorate said it will inspect the implementation of social housing projects in commercial housing projects.

The Government Inspector General has reported on the results of handling and responding to petitions sent by voters from many provinces before the 7th session of the 15th National Assembly.

In particular, voters of Da Nang City proposed that the Government Inspectorate consider conducting a nationwide inspection of the management and use of state-owned apartments.

Responding to this content, Government Inspector General Doan Hong Phong emphasized that every year, the Government Inspectorate and the entire inspection sector focus on implementing work plans and programs in accordance with the inspection program orientation approved by the Prime Minister.

At the same time, closely follow the direction of the Central Government, the Government, the Prime Minister, and heads of administrative agencies at the same level, to well serve the leadership, direction, and administration of all levels and sectors.

In implementing the direction of the Central Steering Committee on anti-corruption and negativity, the Government Inspectorate has guided the entire inspection sector to carry out thematic inspections on planning and implementation of construction planning (including a number of construction projects) and synthesize and prepare reports for the Steering Committee, the Government, and the Prime Minister in the coming time.

According to the Government Inspectorate's report, in the first 6 months of 2024, the entire inspection sector carried out 3,910 administrative inspections and 58,025 specialized inspections and checks.

Through inspection, management was rectified, legal mechanisms and policies were perfected in many fields; economic violations of more than VND 92,783 billion and 292.5 hectares of land were discovered.

In which, it is recommended to recover more than 59,431 billion VND and 24.9 hectares of land; to deduct and exclude from the final settlement value due to non-compliance with regulations and to request competent authorities to consider handling 33,351 billion VND and more than 252 hectares of land.

Issued 49,982 decisions on administrative sanctions for organizations and individuals with a total fine of VND 2,089 billion; recommended consideration and administrative handling of 856 groups and 3,862 individuals; transferred to the investigation agency for further consideration and handling of 94 cases and 73 subjects.

Of which, the basic construction investment sector conducted 481 inspections, completed and issued conclusions for 278.

Through inspection of 780 units, violations were detected with the amount of 181 billion VND and 0.1 ha of land; recommendations to recover more than 104 billion VND and 0.1 ha of land; recommendations to handle other matters of 76.4 billion VND; recommendations to handle administrative actions against 321 organizations and 929 individuals; and transfer of 5 cases to the investigation agency for consideration and handling.

In the coming time, the Government Inspectorate will advise the Prime Minister to approve the direction of the inspection program for 2025, including the inspection of the implementation of social housing projects, planning, land use plans, and land funds for social housing development in commercial housing projects.

According to the Ministry of Construction, through synthesizing reports from localities in the period from 2021 to present, nationwide, 619 social housing projects have been implemented with a scale of 561,816 units.

Of these, 79 projects with a scale of 40,679 units have been completed; 128 projects have been licensed and started construction with a scale of 111,688 units; 412 projects have had investment policies but have not yet implemented construction investment with a scale of 409,449 units.

In the first 6 months of 2024 alone, 8 social housing projects were completed, of which 4 projects were fully completed and 4 projects were partially completed with a scale of 3,136 units. Along with that, 5 projects were licensed and started construction, with a scale of 8,468 units, 9 projects had investment policies, with a scale of 8,795 units.


Áp lực mới đối với người mua nhà ở xã hội


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