Tophi, also known as gouty nodules, are formed by the precipitation of urate crystals around joints or other tissues.
These deposits often appear as small white or yellow bumps. Over time, they can enlarge and become hard like rocks, hence the name tophi.
The shape and size of these tophi are very diverse, like pebbles, peanuts, even as big as eggs.
They can appear on your fingers, toes, elbows... causing swelling, pain or even deformity of your joints.
Therefore, you should avoid eating foods high in purines, such as seafood and animal organs.
Here are four herbal tea recipes to help relieve tophi.
1. Corn silk tea: 15-30 grams of corn silk, soak in water or boil for about 10 minutes and drink like tea.
2. Plantain tea: 15-30 grams of plantain, soak in water or boil for about 10 minutes then drink like tea if your body is weak or cold.
3. Coconut and barley tea: 20-30 grams of coconut, 30 grams of barley, add 1500ml of water, simmer for 15-30 minutes and make tea.
4. Lily tea: 20-30 grams of fresh lilies, add appropriate amount of water, boil for about 20 minutes and drink instead of tea.