How to grow fresh fruits and vegetables at home

Tuấn Đạt (T/ Hợp) |

Housewives can refer to some ways to grow fresh fruits and vegetables at home without spending too much time.

Growing vegetables and fruits at home not only helps save costs and food safety, but also brings joy to housewives . Accordingly, growing vegetables and fruits yourself is not too difficult if you apply some of the following basic methods to achieve optimal results.

When first starting to grow vegetables and fruits, most housewives often choose varieties that are easy to grow and regularly use to prepare dishes such as tomatoes, lettuce leaves...

Accordingly, housewives do not need to invest in expensive pots to start their own fresh fruit and vegetable garden. Many household items can be recycled into effective plant pots. For example, use old mop buckets, thoroughly cleaned paint cans or even large yogurt containers...

The important thing for housewives to note is to ensure that pots have drainage holes to prevent plants from being waterlogged or developing mold. Recycling materials to grow vegetables and fruits not only saves money but also contributes to environmental protection.

One of the common mistakes of beginner fruit and vegetable growers is compacting the soil too tightly. But the soil must be loose to help plant roots easily grow and absorb nutrients well. If using a pot, make sure that the soil in the pot is not compacted too tightly, but instead, give the soil enough space so that the vegetables and fruits can grow quickly.

If growing space is limited, housewives can also optimize the area by planting plants vertically instead of horizontally. Vertical planting technique uses climbing trellises to allow vegetables and fruits to climb up.

In addition to saving space, this method also improves air circulation around plants, minimizing the risk of mold and other plant diseases. This is the ideal solution for those living in apartments or townhouses with limited garden space.

Growing plants from seeds is the most economical and simple way, so housewives can buy seeds from reputable stores or collect them from used fruits and vegetables. Next, sow the seeds in small pots about 10cm in size and place them in a place that receives the best light. Once the seedlings have grown four or five leaves, they can be moved completely outdoors to continue growing stronger.

Take care and water every day so that vegetables and fruits grow well as well as soon provide green and clean food for each family's meals.

Tuấn Đạt (T/ Hợp)

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