Protect workers' rights early and from afar

Bảo Hân |

Participating in developing policies and laws related to the rights of employees is identified as an important task, making a practical contribution to taking care of and protecting legitimate interests early and from afar. legal and legitimate of workers...

During the 2018 - 2023 term, trade unions at all levels, especially the General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam, have proactively and actively innovated and improved the quality of participation in developing policies and laws related to workers and union activities; discovered and proposed many recommendations and suggestions for developing laws to better care for and protect the rights of employees such as the right to choose jobs, unilaterally terminate labor contracts, wages, and housing issues , working conditions of employees, policies to support employees affected by the COVID-19 epidemic...

Trade Union organizations have an increasingly strong and effective voice in councils, committees, steering committees, and elected mechanisms to protect the rights of workers. In the National Wage Council, the Trade Union has clearly and effectively demonstrated its role as employee representative. In 5 years (2018 - 2023), it is proposed to increase the minimum wage by 25.34%, contributing to improving the lives of union members and employees, narrowing the gap between minimum wage and minimum living standard. Promoting the role of cadres and civil servants who are trade union members in advising on building and organizing the implementation of policies and laws has taken a new step. The Prime Minister's annual dialogue program with workers, the 2023 Labor Forum chaired by the Chairman of the National Assembly, National Assembly delegates meet with voters on topics with workers, employees, and leaders. Party committee heads, authorities, and employers dialogue with union members and employees to create good effects and are an important channel to promote the improvement of policies and laws and supervise the implementation of related policies and laws. to workers and unions.

Negotiation and signing of collective labor agreements in enterprises and units, especially non-state-owned enterprises, have been focused on, with many innovations and important results achieved. In the period 2018 - 2023, 15,832 new collective labor agreements were signed , bringing the total number of signed collective labor agreements to 42,550, reaching 72.12% of the total number of established enterprises. Grassroots trade unions (an increase of 6.47% compared to the beginning of the term) of which agreements reaching grade B or higher reached a rate of 48.2%, an increase of 19.6% compared to the beginning of the term...

Mr. Le Dinh Quang - Deputy Head of Policy and Law Department, General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam, said that in the process of participating in developing policies and laws related to employees, the General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam always pursues and closely follows the issues that I propose in the process of building and planning policies on related issues.

Mr. Quang gave an example, in the issue of investment in social housing construction of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, in the process of researching, absorbing and revising the Housing Law project (amended), there are still different opinions, including Unfavorable comments. However, with the persistent pursuit and protection of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, at the 6th session of the 15th National Assembly, it was agreed to pass the Housing Law (amended), which stipulates that "The Vietnam General Confederation of Labor is the governing body. management of social housing construction investment projects", thereby creating conditions for the Vietnam Trade Union to take better care of trade union members, especially low-income workers with difficult financial conditions. House.

Recently, when commenting on the draft Law on Social Insurance (amended), the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor contributed strong opinions on a specific mechanism to protect employees in case the employer is no longer able to pay social insurance for employees. Accordingly, the Resolution of the 7th session of the 15th National Assembly has outlined directions for handling these cases.

“Improving the effectiveness of Trade Union organizations' participation in policy and law development is an important content that needs to be directed and implemented regularly, closely and effectively by Trade Union levels at all levels. Thereby creating a positive change in awareness and responsibility of trade union officials, employers and employees regarding legal work in trade union organizations in the new context" - Mr. Le Dinh Quang shared.

Bảo Hân

Nơi đoàn viên, người lao động gửi trọn niềm tin

HOÀNG THỌ TRUNG (Chủ tịch LĐLD tỉnh Lai Châu) |

Bằng nhiều việc làm thiết thực, những năm qua, các cấp công đoàn tỉnh Lai Châu đã tạo niềm tin vững chắc cho hàng chục nghìn đoàn viên, người lao động.

Công đoàn ở Lâm Đồng hỗ trợ tiền lương cho người lao động

Mai Hương |

Một số doanh nghiệp sản xuất ở Lâm Đồng mặc dù gặp nhiều khó khăn, phải ngừng hoạt động nhưng vẫn hỗ trợ tiền lương cho người lao động.

Khi nào người lao động tự do sinh con có trợ cấp thai sản?


Điều 4 Luật Bảo hiểm xã hội 2024 đã bổ sung thêm chế độ trợ cấp thai sản đối với người tham gia bảo hiểm xã hội tự nguyện.

Chủ tịch LĐLĐ quận có nhiều sáng kiến chăm lo người lao động

Nam Dương |

Ông Cao Hồng Hà - Chủ tịch LĐLĐ quận Bình Thạnh, TPHCM - có rất nhiều sáng kiến chăm lo thiết thực, hiệu quả cho đoàn viên, người lao động.

Phát triển công đoàn cơ sở để tăng lợi ích cho người lao động

Văn Tùng |

Mỗi công nhân, người lao động được kết nạp vào công đoàn cơ sở đều góp phần giúp cho tổ chức công đoàn thêm vững mạnh, từ đó tạo điều kiện cho những hoạt động chăm lo, bảo đảm lợi ích đoàn viên.

Mục tiêu thi đua hướng về người lao động

Kiều Vũ |

Hà Nội – Ngày 24.7, Liên đoàn Lao động quận Hà Đông cho biết trọng tâm trong quý III/2024 là tổ chức các phong trào thi đua hướng về người lao động.

Gần 200 ý tưởng của người lao động từ phong trào thi đua

Kiều Vũ |

Từ phong trào thi đua của Công đoàn cơ sở thành viên Nhà máy Đạm Phú Mỹ đã có 177 ý tưởng từ người lao động.

HLV Kim Sang-sik: Quế Ngọc Hải có nhiều áp lực

Chi Trần |

Huấn luyện viên Kim Sang-sik chia sẻ về màn trình diễn của Quế Ngọc Hải trong trận đấu giữa tuyển Việt Nam và Ấn Độ.

In union members, workers place all their trust

HOÀNG THỌ TRUNG (Chủ tịch LĐLD tỉnh Lai Châu) |

Through many practical actions, over the past years, Lai Chau province's trade unions have created solid trust for tens of thousands of union members and workers.

The union in Lam Dong supports wages for workers

Mai Hương |

Although some manufacturing enterprises in Lam Dong encountered many difficulties and had to stop operating, they still supported wages for workers.

When do freelance workers have maternity benefits?


Article 4 of the Law on Social Insurance 2024 has added a maternity benefit regime for voluntary social insurance participants.

The Chairman of the District Labor Federation has many initiatives to take care of workers

Nam Dương |

Mr. Cao Hong Ha - Chairman of the Confederation of Labor of Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City - has many initiatives to take practical and effective care for union members and workers.

Develop grassroots unions to increase benefits for workers

Văn Tùng |

Every worker and employee admitted to the grassroots trade union contributes to making the trade union stronger, thereby creating conditions for activities to care for and ensure the interests of union members.

The goal of emulation is towards workers

Kiều Vũ |

Hanoi - On July 24, the Ha Dong District Labor Federation said that the focus in the third quarter of 2024 is to organize emulation movements aimed at workers .

Nearly 200 ideas of workers from the emulation movement

Kiều Vũ |

From the emulation movement of the Grassroots Trade Union members of Phu My Fertilizer Plant, there were 177 ideas from workers .