Can Tho promotes sending workers to work abroad under contracts

Phong Linh |

On the rise, Can Tho City continues to promote sending workers to work abroad under contracts; at the same time, listening to the concerns of workers to have reasonable support policies.

Workers' concerns

Graduated from the Literature major (Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Can Tho University) in 2022, but up to now, Ms. Nguyen Ngo Trang Thuy (born in 1999, Can Tho) has not found a suitable job. Most of the jobs she has experienced have salaries ranging from 4 - 6 million VND/month, just enough to cover living expenses, making it difficult to save for a start-up plan.

In the past 3 months, Ms. Thuy has continued to learn more about the working environment abroad with the intention of working in Japan. She also personally improved and studied Japanese to confidently register for interviews. "The information posted at some units is quite detailed, the instructions from the Can Tho Employment Service Center (DVVL) are also clear and enthusiastic. However, regarding the issue of borrowing capital to go, I am still a bit worried and hesitant" - Ms. Thuy confided.

Mr. Le Thanh Hieu (Can Tho) shared: "Personally, I am worried that after working abroad and returning home, I will not have a career orientation, which will cause a loss of savings, so I am still considering working abroad and hope to receive advice from the labor industry."

Accompanying workers

According to data from the Can Tho City Service Center, since the beginning of the year, more than 600 workers have been sent to work abroad under contracts in the markets of Japan, Taiwan (China), and South Korea. Although the number is still “modest” compared to some provinces in the Western region, it is a sign of improvement for the city.

According to Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Chung - Deputy Director of Can Tho City DVVL Center, in 2024, the Japanese labor market will continuously recruit male and female workers in major industries and occupations such as agriculture, construction, food processing... In particular, the salary ranges from 28 million VND/month or more. Currently, Can Tho, the Japanese market is recruiting about 100 more workers aged 18 - 30.

Can Tho City Employment Service Center is actively conveying information and preferential policies for employees to grasp and boldly register for recruitment; training interview skills with businesses.

Previously, in April 2024, the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs (DOLISA) of Can Tho City signed a cooperation agreement with the City Social Policy Bank to implement a preferential loan policy, supporting workers to work abroad with a maximum of VND 100 million. In addition, for each order, workers are also supported with VND 2 million for health check-ups and some other expenses.

"Hopefully this year with the policy of allowing workers to borrow up to 100 million VND, the number of Can Tho workers going to work abroad will be more positive" - ​​Ms. Tran Thi Xuan Mai - Director of the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of Can Tho City - said.

Secretary of the Can Tho City Party Committee Nguyen Van Hieu acknowledged that the human resources of Can Tho City have been trained in a basic way, so sending workers abroad must be considered with a purpose and goal. "We can consider how to support the interest rate for workers through social policies, only letting them pay back the capital, that is, not letting them swim on their own but having someone accompany them" - Mr. Hieu suggested.

In July 2024, the People's Committee of Can Tho City issued a program to accompany workers in finding jobs domestically and abroad. The program will be implemented from now until 2026 with a vision to 2030, in which it strives to provide information about domestic and foreign job opportunities to 100% of workers every year; every year, at least 500 workers in Can Tho City go to work abroad under contract.

Phong Linh

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