Trade Union Needs to Research Innovating Methods of Operation

Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn |

Hanoi – In order to continue affirming the position of the trade union organization, the Vietnam Trade Union needs to research and innovate the organizational model and method of operation.

To continue affirming the position of the trade union organization – the representative organization, caring for and protecting laborers, the Vietnam Trade Union needs to research and innovate the organizational model and operational methods, in order to meet the requirements of tasks in the new situation. This is one of the affirmations at the scientific conference "The activities of the Vietnam Trade Union in the market-oriented socialist-oriented economy and international integration", which took place on August 11 under the chairmanship of Mr. Ngọ Duy Hiểu – Vice Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

Contributing to ensuring the right to self-management of workers and laborers

According to Dr. Tran Ngoc Duong, former Deputy Chairman of the Office of the National Assembly, the 2013 Constitution clearly states the position, role, and functions of the Vietnam Trade Union in the new period as an organization "representing laborers". Accordingly, the trade union has an independent position as an organization "representing laborers".

In the face of demands in the new situation, based on the tasks and powers prescribed by the 2013 Constitution, Dr. Tran Ngoc Duong believes that the trade union organization needs to focus on a number of tasks. Among them, contributing to ensuring the right to self-management of workers and laborers, upholding the Constitution, respecting, ensuring, and protecting human rights and citizens' rights. Cooperating closely and effectively with mechanisms for inspection, supervision, inspection, and control of the state power of the Party, State, and people (including political-social organizations, including trade unions). Promoting the role of trade unions in supervising state power; resolutely and persistently struggling to prevent and push back corruption and negative phenomena in state agencies, organizations, and enterprises where laborers work. Participating in building a strong and clean Party.

Dr. Tran Ngoc Duong. Photo: Hai Nguyen
Dr. Tran Ngoc Duong. Photo: Hai Nguyen

Also discussing the theoretical basis, Mr. Bui Sy Loi, former Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly's Social Affairs Committee, clearly stated the characteristics and relationship between the trade union organization and labor users.

Mr. Bui Sy Loi analyzed that when new-generation free trade agreements take effect, the labor market in our country has increasingly diverse and complex participation of laborers and labor users, including those from abroad, making the competition on the labor market even more fierce and complex.

One of the solutions to enhance the role of the trade union organization to promote the relationship with labor users in labor relations, according to Mr. Bui Sy Loi, is that the trade union needs to stick to its functions and tasks. Accordingly, the trade union needs to continue taking the development target of labor users as a driving force and taking the task of gathering, educating, caring for, and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of trade union members as a central and continuous task in order to: Ensure and manage well the birth and operation of labor organizations at enterprises; protect and ensure the legitimate rights and interests of laborers; at the same time, create conditions for labor users to conduct business stably and develop; ensure consistency with the principles and labor standards of the International Labor Organization, while maintaining social and political stability.

Mr. Bui Sy Loi. Photo: Hai Nguyen
Mr. Bui Sy Loi. Photo: Hai Nguyen

Avoiding bureaucratization and administrative formalization of trade union activities

Discussing the trade union's cooperation with labor users in caring for the interests of laborers in the market-oriented socialist-oriented economy and international integration in Vietnam, Mr. Lai Hoang Dung – Chairman of the Samsung Electronics Vietnam Trade Union proposed solutions.

That is to specify the principle of organization and operation of the trade union when participating in labor relations, policies for trade union officials, leadership methods; trade union organizational models.

Mr. Lai Hoang Dung. Photo: Hai Nguyen
Mr. Lai Hoang Dung. Photo: Hai Nguyen

In the context of rapid development of private enterprises, attracting a large number of laborers, it is necessary to strengthen the work of developing trade union members and building trade union organizations in private enterprises in line with reality. Avoid the situation of trade union organizations at all levels being overly bureaucratic and administrative in their activities.

In addition, Mr. Dung also believes that it is necessary to develop a team of professional trade union officials in terms of both quantity and quality, specifically updating, amending, and supplementing the regulations on recruiting trade union officials, and addressing the situation of recruiting relatives to work in trade union organizations…

Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn

Công đoàn phải thực hiện tốt vai trò đại diện người lao động

Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn |

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Kiều Vũ |

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