Can Tho workers anxiously wait for the day of the mass wedding ceremony


Supported by the Trade Union and facilitated to organize a collective wedding ceremony , many union members and workers in Can Tho could not hide their happiness and expectations.

Married for more than a year, Mr. Nguyen Cong Minh (worker of Can Tho General Printing Joint Stock Company) and Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Ba (housewife) still do not have the conditions to hold a wedding for many reasons: work. , family. Then, when the union levels supported them to organize a group wedding, both husband and wife were happy and waited every day for the time to hold the wedding.

“We have given birth to a baby but for many reasons we have not been able to get married, we only have a marriage certificate. As one of the lucky couples facilitated by the City Union to organize a group wedding, we feel very happy. These past few days, both of us have been working and busy participating in activities to prepare for the wedding," Ms. Kim Ba shared.

Kim Ba and her husband took photos to prepare for the group wedding. Photo: Can Tho City Confederation of Labor
Kim Ba and her husband took photos to prepare for the group wedding. Photo: Can Tho City Confederation of Labor

According to Ms. Kim Ba, although it was a group wedding, it was very meticulous and professional at all stages. This group wedding ceremony helped her and her husband's marriage have a special memory in the future. From there, she and her husband will have more motivation to work with peace of mind, raise their children and stabilize their lives.

At the age of over 50, Mr. Huynh Huu Em (a housekeeping worker at Huy Viet Tay Do Production and Trading Company Limited, Can Tho City) could not hide his happiness when organizing a group wedding.

“Previously, the two knew each other, felt compatible and decided to move forward. But due to difficult circumstances and a salary just enough to support the family, the two just registered to get married and have stayed together until now. Every day that passes, I don't think there will come a time when my wife and I will have a group wedding like this," the male worker said.

According to Mr. Em, from the moment he received the notice that he was one of the couples participating in the group wedding, not only he and his wife, but also their children, neighbors, and colleagues were happy for the male worker .

“This year is probably the year that my husband and I are the happiest. Because not long ago, the City Trade Union gave my husband and I a spacious Trade Union Shelter, helping us both have a place to shelter from the rain and sun. Now the joy is doubled as the couple is about to get married. Neighbors and colleagues in the company were all happy for me. Now we both look forward to the wedding day," Mr. Em confided.

The group wedding will be held on August 22 with 8 couples. Photo: Can Tho City Confederation of Labor
The group wedding will be held on August 22 with 8 couples. Photo: Can Tho City Confederation of Labor

According to the Confederation of Labor of Can Tho City, the collective wedding ceremony for union members, workers, officials, and laborers in the city will be held on August 22 with the name "Happy Day".

The collective wedding ceremony is organized to care for and support union members and employees who have difficult circumstances or other objective reasons and cannot hold a wedding according to traditional customs, to help union members and employees create a warm family. family, stabilize life, work with peace of mind, save finances, and participate in building a new cultural life.

This activity also affirms the accompanying and sharing role of the Trade Union with union members and employees; promote the responsibilities of employers at agencies, units and businesses in caring for and supporting union members and employees; Strengthen class solidarity, create a good impression for union members, employees and relatives about the concern of the Trade Union and employers for the working class.

Accordingly, there will be 8 couples participating in the group wedding. Each couple will be supported with wedding rings, photography, filming, wedding costumes, makeup, banquet tables, etc.


Nhiều hỗ trợ cho đoàn viên tham gia lễ cưới tập thể

Thanh Nhàn |

Đoàn viên sẽ được Công đoàn các khu công nghiệp, khu kinh tế Đồng Tháp áp dụng nhiều hỗ trợ khi tham gia lễ cưới tập thể.

Tổ chức lễ cưới tập thể cho 10 cặp đôi công nhân lao động Bình Dương


Trưa 30.6, tại Trung tâm Văn hóa Lao động tỉnh Bình Dương, LĐLĐ tỉnh Bình Dương long trọng tổ chức lễ cưới tập thể cho 10 cặp đôi công nhân lao động.

Cần Thơ sẽ tổ chức lễ cưới tập thể cho đoàn viên, công nhân lao động


Ngày 18.6, Liên đoàn Lao động (LĐLĐ) TP Cần Thơ tổ chức họp báo thông tin các hoạt động chào mừng kỷ niệm 95 năm Ngày thành lập Công đoàn Việt Nam (28.7.1929 - 28.7.2024).

Bác tin "lái đò Chùa Hương bị cắt suất sau khi đi hỗ trợ bão lũ"


Mạng xã hội hiện đang lan truyền thông tin nhiều lái đò Chùa Hương (Mỹ Đức, Hà Nội) sau khi chuyển đò đi cứu trợ vùng lũ bị cắt suất, không cho chèo đò phục vụ khách.

Lý do tiếp tục đề nghị truy tố cựu Bí thư TX Bến Cát


Sau khi phục hồi điều tra, Cơ quan Cảnh sát điều tra Công an tỉnh Bình Dương đã hoàn tất điều tra, ra kết luận chuyển hồ sơ đề nghị truy tố cựu Bí thư TX Bến Cát.

Thu nhập thấp, công nhân xoay xở lo chi phí đầu năm học


Để lo các khoản chi tiêu đầu năm học mới cho con, nhiều công nhân, người lao động phải tiết kiệm, xoay xở đủ mọi cách.

Gia hạn xác minh vụ luận án tiến sĩ bị tố đạo văn


HUẾ - Đại học Huế vừa có thông báo liên quan đến vụ việc luận án tiến sĩ của trưởng phòng nghiên cứu khoa học bị tố đạo văn.

Quảng Ninh chi 1.000 tỉ đồng khắc phục hậu quả bão số 3

Đoàn Hưng |

Quảng Ninh đã thống nhất chủ trương dành 1.000 tỉ đồng từ nguồn tiết kiệm chi thường xuyên cho khắc phục hậu quả bão số 3.