To make "Union Meal" sustainable and widely spread


Bringing union members and workers a delicious meal both physically and mentally, but to make the " Union Meal " sustainable and widely spread, innovation is needed...

A nutritious meal for both body and mind

“This is the best meal in 15 years of working here” - Ms. Mai Thi Hanh, a member of the Trade Union of My An Factory (factory) under An Giang Food and Vegetable Joint Stock Company , happily shared.

Like 287 workers, employees and laborers at the factory, Ms. Hanh's meal today is attractive from the outside with 2 boiled green-legged shrimps, 1 piece of grilled pork ribs, stir-fried pork intestines, a bowl of soup with lean bones, fruit for dessert and yogurt...

According to the Chairman of the Factory Trade Union, Nguyen Huy Cuong, the meal costs 75,000 VND, 3 times more than the regular meal. However, the meal also has the added spiritual flavor brought by the Trade Union organization.

According to the plan, the Union Executive Committee would start at 10:30, but from 9:00, the delegation of the An Giang Provincial Federation of Labor led by Vice President Lu Thi Kim Thuy was present. Not only did they spend time visiting the kitchen to prepare the meal, the delegation also kindly asked and shared about the income, jobs, and lives of the union members, workers, and laborers who arrived early. These seemingly very normal things were like a thread that further tightened the close, intimate relationship between the union officials - union members, workers, and laborers... One by one, the Vice President of the An Giang Provincial Federation of Labor and the members took turns sitting at the tables to eat and chat, creating a complete spiritual flavor...

To spread the Union Meal widely

According to statistics from the Policy - Law and Labor Relations Department (An Giang Provincial Federation of Labor), by early September 2024, trade union organizations had organized 53 trade union meetings.

This has helped nearly 8,000 union members, employees and workers enjoy meals with many emotions. Because besides being supplemented with physical nutrition, delicious spiritual taste... through the impact and coordination of the Union organization, leaders of units and enterprises have organized visits and given gifts to nearly 1,000 union members, employees and workers in difficult circumstances, such as: Union shelters, gifts... That is why many workers expressed their desire to have more Unions.

Although it has brought about quite comprehensive results, this result has not met the expectations set by the Standing Committee of the An Giang Provincial Federation of Labor, but has also made the union members, workers, and employees fall into a psychological void because after this delicious meal, they do not know when the next one will come. Perhaps the economic recession... has not allowed some units and enterprises to respond widely and commit to nurturing the BCCĐ in the coming time. But according to the opinions of many union members, even in the current context, many enterprises can still maintain the BCCĐ, if there is innovation in content and implementation methods.

In fact, in An Giang, there is a BCCĐ worth up to 130,000 VND/meal, 6-7 times higher than the value of a shift meal according to regulations.

According to the opinions of many employees, workers, and laborers, with the price level in the Mekong Delta, meals costing over 50,000 VND may be excessive compared to the general level of laborers. Therefore, if there is a calculation, a balance between practicality and science, on the basis of that amount, it can be shared among many meals so that laborers can enjoy more "BCCĐ".

This not only helps the Trade Union maintain a long-term impression in the hearts of workers, but also helps union members, workers, and employees have more nutritious meals, delicious spiritual taste... Moreover, with this "gentle" value, it will be easy for units and businesses that do not have many conditions to participate. From there, quickly create a wider spread for BCCĐ in the coming time.


Gắn kết hơn từ “Bữa cơm Công đoàn”


Bữa cơm Công đoàn” đã được Công đoàn các cấp tỉnh Quảng Bình tổ chức triển khai trong thời gian qua với hàng nghìn suất cơm ca, góp phần nâng cao giá trị chất lượng bữa ăn ca của người lao động.

Đề xuất đưa Bữa cơm Công đoàn vào trong Thỏa ước lao động tập thể

Tường Minh |

LĐLĐ nhiều địa phương đã kiến nghị việc thường xuyên tổ chức Bữa cơm Công đoàn để NLĐ được thụ hưởng.

Đoàn viên, người lao động ngành ngân hàng thụ hưởng Bữa cơm Công đoàn

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