Bright spot of trade union in Quang Nam

Hoàng Bin |

In recent times, the activities of specific unions in Quang Nam have contributed to taking care of union members' lives and strengthening the trust and position of the trade union organization.

Caring for the freelancer

As of September 2024, in Quang Nam, there are 15 grassroots unions (GC) protecting the rights and interests of workers. Of these, there are 11 fishing unions, 1 cyclo union, 1 boat union, 1 private preschool union and 1 small trader union, with nearly 8,000 workers.

Tam Quang Commune Fisheries Union, Nui Thanh District currently has the largest number of fishing vessels in the province with 208 fishing vessels (340 union members), mainly large-capacity vessels, from 700CV to 1,000CV participating in offshore fishing.

Mr. Huynh The Dieu - Chairman of the Tam Quang Commune Fisheries Union knows the faces and names of almost all fishing boat owners.

According to Mr. Dieu, in reality, offshore fishing is a high-risk occupation; fishermen and union members are at risk of losing their lives, vehicles, and property due to the effects of weather and instability in fishing ground disputes.

However, with the encouragement of the fishing union and the desire of fishermen and union members to go offshore, they have overcome difficulties and achieved remarkable results, with an annual output of more than 17,000 tons, helping each crew member earn more than a hundred million VND/year.

“With the guidance of the union, we have strictly followed the regulations on IUU, working with the provincial authorities to remove the “yellow card” for seafood. The union always joins hands to support and share so that union members can soon overcome difficulties and continue to go out to sea,” said captain Luong Van Vien (ship QNa-90129TS, Tam Quang commune).

Enhance the position of the Union

According to Mr. Phan Phuoc Tung - Chairman of Hoi An City Cyclo Union (one of 81 Chairmen of Grassroots Trade Unions, exemplary Communist Party members in the period 2021-2023, just recognized by Quang Nam Labor Federation at the end of August 2024), the union currently has more than 100 union members who are cyclo drivers serving tourists in Hoi An ancient town.

Since the union was established, all members have worked methodically, without competing for customers, but instead supporting each other in work and contributing to building a friendly and hospitable Hoi An ancient town.

Speaking with Lao Dong reporter, Chairman of Hoi An City People's Committee Nguyen Van Son said that Hoi An is a green, friendly, community-based tourist city, so it always prioritizes solutions to increase income and ensure livelihoods for people - the subject of community tourism.

“The income of a cyclo driver can sometimes reach up to a million VND per day. In addition to ensuring income, members of the cyclo, electric car, and taxi driver union are all educated and trained in tourist service skills. There have been many cases where drivers have picked up lost items and returned them to tourists, thereby further promoting the image of Hoi An as a friendly and kind-hearted place,” said Mr. Son.

Similarly, after nearly 2 years of establishment, Tam Ky City Private Nursery Group Union is not only a common home for more than 330 teachers and staff of private preschool classes, but also represents and protects the legitimate rights of union members.

“In addition to participating in cultural, artistic and sports movements organized by the higher-level trade union, the Tam Ky City Private Children's Group Union is also supported by the city's sectors to organize dialogues, negotiations, and build collective labor agreements to resolve issues arising in harmonious, stable and progressive labor relations; contributing to enhancing the position of the trade union organization" - Ms. Tran Thi Ly Na - President of the Tam Ky City Private Children's Group Union shared.

Mr. Phan Xuan Quang - Chairman of the Quang Nam Provincial Federation of Labor assessed that the establishment of professional unions has helped freelance workers enjoy the policies and benefits of the Trade Union organization for union members and workers. Thereby, reducing risks to workers, ensuring harmonious and stable labor relations. In the coming time, the Provincial Federation of Labor will continue to coordinate with all levels, sectors, Party committees, authorities, and local functional agencies to continue to pay attention, have mechanisms and policies to support the activities of newly established unions, to support unions - worthy of being the support of workers.

Hoàng Bin

Hậu Giang thành lập thêm một Nghiệp đoàn cơ sở


Hậu Giang - Để chăm lo tốt cho người lao động, vừa qua, LĐLĐ huyện Châu Thành A đã thành lập Nghiệp đoàn cơ sở Khu du lịch sinh thái “Vườn măng cụt trăm tuổi”.

Bữa cơm Công đoàn sau giờ bốc xếp ở nghiệp đoàn

Duy Tuấn |

Bình Thuận - Đoàn viên Nghiệp đoàn bốc xếp Chí Công cùng nhau ăn bữa cơm Công đoàn vui tươi sau giờ làm việc.

Thành lập 2 Nghiệp đoàn Bốc xếp tại Khu công nghiệp Sông Hậu

Thanh Nhàn |

Công đoàn các khu công nghiệp, khu kinh tế Đồng Tháp thành lập 2 Nghiệp đoàn cơ sở Bốc xếp tại Khu công nghiệp Sông Hậu, huyện Lai Vung.

Hòa Bình thành lập nghiệp đoàn đầu tiên

Phạm Cường |

Hòa Bình - Nghiệp đoàn cơ sở chế tác đá cảnh Lạc Thủy vừa được thành lập với 14 đoàn viên. Đây là nghiệp đoàn đầu tiên ở Hòa Bình được thành lập.

Thành lập nghiệp đoàn cơ sở đầu tiên ở huyện Đức Linh

Duy Tuấn |

Bình Thuận - Nghiệp đoàn cơ sở Nhóm trẻ Tư thục Đức Linh là nghiệp đoàn cơ sở đầu tiên được thành lập trên địa bàn huyện Đức Linh.

Thành lập Nghiệp đoàn nghề đúc đồng ở Thanh Hóa

Trần Lâm |

Ngày 28.8, LĐLĐ huyện Thiệu Hoá, tỉnh Thanh Hóa tổ chức công bố quyết định thành lập Nghiệp đoàn nghề đúc đồng làng Trà Đông, xã Thiệu Trung.

Thành lập Nghiệp đoàn Chằm nón lá tại Cần Thơ


Cần Thơ - Ngày 25.8, LĐLĐ huyện Thới Lai tổ chức Lễ công bố quyết định kết nạp đoàn viên công đoàn và thành lập Nghiệp đoàn Chằm nón lá thị trấn Thới Lai.

Kỳ vọng ở cụm công nghiệp trăm tỉ ở miền núi Thái Nguyên

Việt Bắc |

Cụm công nghiệp Tân Dương tại huyện miền núi Định Hóa, tỉnh Thái Nguyên có tổng mức đầu tư gần 500 tỉ đồng với kỳ vọng tạo việc làm cho trên 4.500 lao động địa phương.

Hau Giang establishes another grassroots union


Hau Giang - To take good care of workers, recently, the Chau Thanh A District Labor Federation established the grassroots union of the "Century-year-old Mangosteen Garden" Eco-tourism Area.

Union meal after loading and unloading hours at the union

Duy Tuấn |

Binh Thuan - Members of the Chi Cong Stevedoring Union enjoy a happy union meal together after work.

Establishment of 2 Stevedoring Unions in Song Hau Industrial Park

Thanh Nhàn |

The Trade Union of Dong Thap Industrial Parks and Economic Zones established two grassroots Stevedoring Unions in Song Hau Industrial Park, Lai Vung District.

Hoa Binh established the first union

Phạm Cường |

Hoa Binh - Lac Thuy stone carving facility union has just been established with 14 members. This is the first union in Hoa Binh to be established.

Establishment of the first grassroots union in Duc Linh district

Duy Tuấn |

Binh Thuan - Duc Linh Private Children's Group Grassroots Union is the first grassroots union established in Duc Linh district.

Established the Bronze Casting Trade Union in Thanh Hoa

Trần Lâm |

On August 28, the Confederation of Labor of Thieu Hoa district, Thanh Hoa province announced the decision to establish the Bronze Casting Trade Union of Tra Dong village, Thieu Trung commune.

Established the Conical Conical Hat Trade Union in Can Tho


Can Tho - On August 25, the Confederation of Labor of Thoi Lai district held a ceremony to announce the decision to admit trade union members and establish the Chom Conical Hat Trade Union of Thoi Lai town.