Establishment of 2 Stevedoring Unions in Song Hau Industrial Park

Thanh Nhàn |

The Trade Union of Dong Thap Industrial Parks and Economic Zones established two grassroots Stevedoring Unions in Song Hau Industrial Park, Lai Vung District.

On August 30, at Song Hau Industrial Park (Tan Thanh commune, Lai Vung district), the Trade Union of Dong Thap industrial parks and economic zones organized an announcement of the decision to admit union members and establish the Stevedoring Union No. 01 and No. 02 at Song Hau Industrial Park.

The ceremony to announce the decision to admit union members and establish the Stevedoring Union at Song Hau Industrial Park was held seriously and solemnly. Photo: Thanh Nhan
Ceremony to announce the decision to admit union members and establish the Stevedoring Union at Song Hau Industrial Park. Photo: Thanh Nhan
Chairman of the Trade Union of Dong Thap Industrial Parks and Economic Zones Nguyen Thanh Nhan presents the decision to admit new union members. Photo: Thanh Nhan
Chairman of the Trade Union of Dong Thap Industrial Parks and Economic Zones Nguyen Thanh Nhan presents the decision to admit new union members. Photo: Thanh Nhan

After a brief and solemn ceremony, Chairman of the Trade Union of Dong Thap Industrial Parks and Economic Zones - Nguyen Thanh Nhan presented the decision to admit 63 workers and laborers of Viet Thang Animal Feed Joint Stock Company to the Union; presented the decision to establish and appoint the Provisional Executive Committee of the Trade Union of the stevedore facility No. 1 of Song Hau Industrial Park, consisting of 03 members; Mr. Le Tuan Hai was appointed as Chairman.

Presenting the decision to establish and presenting flowers to the Provisional Executive Committee of the Stevedoring Union No. 2. Photo: Thanh Nhan
Presenting the decision to establish and presenting flowers to the Provisional Executive Committee of the Stevedoring Union No. 1. Photo: Thanh Nhan

On this occasion, Mr. Nhan also presented the decision to admit 27 workers and laborers to the Union at Ngu Long Seafood Joint Stock Company and presented the decision to establish the Stevedoring Union No. 02, appointing a provisional Executive Committee of 03 members, Mr. Nguyen Phuc Dan Cu was appointed as Chairman of the Stevedoring Union No. 02 of Song Hau Industrial Park.

On behalf of the Executive Committee of the Trade Union of Industrial Parks in Dong Thap Economic Zone, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Nhan congratulated nearly 100 newly admitted union members and the Provisional Executive Committee of the Trade Union of Stevedoring Facility No. 01 and No. 02 of Song Hau Industrial Park.

Presenting the decision to establish and presenting flowers to the Provisional Executive Committee of the Stevedoring Union No. 2. Photo: Thanh Nhan
Presenting the decision to establish and presenting flowers to the Provisional Executive Committee of the Stevedoring Union No. 2. Photo: Thanh Nhan

"I hope that the Provisional Executive Committee of the Stevedoring Union will be united, work responsibly, comply with and strictly implement the Charter of the Vietnam Trade Union, the Trade Union Law, the Labor Code... together build the Union and develop union members" - Mr. Nhan emphasized.

Mr. Nhan also expressed his hope that the Board of Directors of Viet Thang Animal Feed Joint Stock Company and Ngu Long Seafood Joint Stock Company will always pay attention and create favorable conditions for the grassroots Union to operate smoothly and effectively.

Giving gifts to union members. Photo: Thanh Nhan
Giving gifts to union members. Photo: Thanh Nhan

On this occasion, the Trade Union of Dong Thap Industrial Parks and Economic Zones presented congratulatory gifts to nearly 100 union members of the stevedoring union No. 01 and No. 2 of Song Hau Industrial Park, each worth 135,000 VND.

Thanh Nhàn

Hòa Bình thành lập nghiệp đoàn đầu tiên

Phạm Cường |

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Thành lập nghiệp đoàn cơ sở đầu tiên ở huyện Đức Linh

Duy Tuấn |

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Thành lập Nghiệp đoàn Chằm nón lá tại Cần Thơ


Cần Thơ - Ngày 25.8, LĐLĐ huyện Thới Lai tổ chức Lễ công bố quyết định kết nạp đoàn viên công đoàn và thành lập Nghiệp đoàn Chằm nón lá thị trấn Thới Lai.

Xe tải bốc cháy ngùn ngụt trên cao tốc Vĩnh Hảo - Phan Thiết

Duy Tuấn |

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Nhóm PV |

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Huyền Chi |

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Nhóm PV |

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Nguyễn Linh |

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Hoa Binh established the first union

Phạm Cường |

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Duy Tuấn |

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Established the Conical Conical Hat Trade Union in Can Tho


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