Conditions for workers to receive union support for house building costs

Phương Linh |

Building new houses, workers with housing difficulties in Khanh Hoa who meet the conditions will be supported by the Union with 60 million VND/case.

The Khanh Hoa Trade Union Shelter Program has been implemented by the Khanh Hoa Provincial Federation of Labor since 2007 and has supported more than 500 union members with funds to build new and repair houses with a total amount of more than 16 billion VND. This is a program to support union members with housing difficulties, with contributions from union members throughout the province at a level of 20,000 VND/person/year.

According to Decision No. 50/QD-LD dated March 11, 2019, the subjects receiving financial support for the construction or repair of "Khanh Hoa Trade Union Shelter" houses must be union members for 5 years or more, active in grassroots trade unions and trade unions in the province; be workers, civil servants and laborers working in Khanh Hoa province and contributing to the Social Fund - Housing Program "Khanh Hoa Trade Union Shelter".

The eligibility conditions are that the union member is married, has a union membership card, has difficult housing circumstances, needs to repair or rebuild but has difficult economic conditions.

Specifically, the wife (husband) does not have a stable job, has a low income; the children are still young, have to support elderly parents; the person or family has someone with a serious illness or long-term illness... and cannot afford to repair or rebuild the house.

Union members must have a certificate of land use rights, house ownership or other legal documents proving the origin of the assets of the union member or employee requesting support; the assets are not in dispute and are not subject to planning or clearance.

Union members have prepared a part of the budget for repair and new construction from other sources such as: savings, support from relatives, loans... and committed to building a new level 4 house with a floor area of ​​no more than 80m2 when supported.

In case the union member is not married but has to support elderly parents, or is in difficult family circumstances, he/she must be 50 years old or older for men and 45 years old or older for women; the union member is a single female raising children.

Priority is given to union members, war invalids, children of war invalids, children of martyrs, families with meritorious services, and those with revolutionary contributions.

In special cases, support for repairing collective housing for workers; support for officers and soldiers in the police force, army, people with difficult housing circumstances... will be considered and decided by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Federation of Labor.

The grassroots trade union and the upper-level trade union will be the place to receive documents, survey and carry out procedures to transfer to the Khanh Hoa Trade Union Social Fund Management Board as a basis for considering support, acceptance and settlement.

The current support fund for new house construction is 60 million VND/case, and for repair is 25 million VND/case. The support fund will be given to the union members 50% immediately after the support decision is made, the remaining 50% will be handed over upon house acceptance.

Phương Linh

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