Orders increase at the end of the year, workers are enthusiastic about production


In the last months of the year, the number of orders from some companies and businesses in the Western region increased sharply. Production and income were stable, many workers were enthusiastic about production, expecting high Tet bonuses.

Income over 9 million VND/month

These days, at the Indian Ocean Company Limited (Can Tho City), workers are busy producing to meet the year-end order schedule. The increase in orders is both a joy for the company and a motivation for workers here to work enthusiastically.

“Compared to the difficult year of 2023, the company's production situation has improved a lot.Since the beginning of the year, our workers have had stable jobs, and sometimes we have to work overtime to deliver goods on time.In the last months of this year, there are many orders, and my income can be up to 9 million VND/month, or even higher,” said Trinh Hong Can, a worker at An Do Duong Company Limited (Can Tho City).
Sharing the same joy, Bui Hung Thanh, a worker at An Do Duong Company Limited (Can Tho City), expressed that he is willing to work overtime when the company requires.“Many orders are the motivation for us workers to be excited about production and complete the set targets.Especially on days when the company allows overtime, everyone tries to work hard, both helping the company ensure contract progress and increasing their own income,” said the male worker.

Meanwhile, at An Giang SamHo Company (An Giang province), new workers are also trying to learn the process and working skills to quickly start production. On the first day of working at the Company, Mr. Nguyen Huu Thuan (born in 1998, An Giang province) - said that he will try to produce to earn an income to cover his living expenses.

“At the end of the year, many companies posted recruitment information, so I applied and was lucky to be accepted. On the first day at the company, I was trained in welfare policies and regulations. In the following days, I will learn about work skills. With this new job, I will try my best to be productive, earn income to take care of myself and support my family,” said Mr. Thuan.

Expect high Tet bonus

With a stable job, Ms. Can is not only happy because her income is enough to cover her living expenses but also expects a high Tet bonus. “Thanks to our good income, my husband and I can take care of our two children during the school year. Seeing the improved production situation this year, all of us workers expect the Tet bonus to be higher than last year,” Ms. Can said.

Similarly, Mr. Thanh said that with an income of 8 - 9 million VND/month, the male worker can cover family expenses as well as take care of his young children during the school year. “My child is in 2nd grade, in addition to tuition, I also have to buy clothes, books, shoes, etc. Fortunately, thanks to the stable production situation of the company, regular overtime, and good income for many months, my wife and I can take care of it. Now I just hope that this will be maintained for a long time, and most recently by the end of this year, so that the workers' bonuses will be higher and Tet will be more cozy,” Mr. Thanh shared.

Although he has just been hired, Mr. Thuan is also looking forward to the Tet bonus. The male worker happily said: “Finding a job in the last months of the year, I feel very lucky. The company also has many allowance and welfare policies such as diligence bonuses, travel allowances, etc. and especially Tet bonuses. This is the motivation for many new workers like me.”

According to Mr. Tran Luu Phong - Chairman of the Trade Union of Industrial Parks in An Giang province - at this time, enterprises in industrial parks in the province, especially garment and footwear enterprises, have recovered production. Many enterprises have stable orders until the end of 2024 and early 2025.


Bữa ăn ca đảm bảo dinh dưỡng, công nhân hăng hái sản xuất


Để đảm bảo dinh dưỡng, giúp công nhân lao động sản xuất đạt hiệu quả, các doanh nghiệp đã không ngừng nâng cao giá trị bữa ăn ca. Theo đó, cán bộ công đoàn cơ sở là cầu nối quan trọng trong việc lắng nghe ý kiến, nguyện vọng của công nhân về bữa ăn ca cũng như nhiều vấn đề khác để kịp thời đề xuất với lãnh đạo công ty.

Công nhân hăng hái sản xuất, kì vọng thưởng lễ khả quan


Bên cạnh niềm vui tăng ca để cải thiện thu nhập, công nhân còn kì vọng doanh nghiệp có thêm nhiều đơn hàng để chế độ lương, thưởng dịp lễ 30.4 và 1.5 sắp đến khả quan hơn.

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Người dân trong vụ sạt lở ở Sa Pa sẽ có nơi ở mới

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Bữa ăn ca đảm bảo dinh dưỡng, công nhân hăng hái sản xuất


Để đảm bảo dinh dưỡng, giúp công nhân lao động sản xuất đạt hiệu quả, các doanh nghiệp đã không ngừng nâng cao giá trị bữa ăn ca. Theo đó, cán bộ công đoàn cơ sở là cầu nối quan trọng trong việc lắng nghe ý kiến, nguyện vọng của công nhân về bữa ăn ca cũng như nhiều vấn đề khác để kịp thời đề xuất với lãnh đạo công ty.

Công nhân hăng hái sản xuất, kì vọng thưởng lễ khả quan


Bên cạnh niềm vui tăng ca để cải thiện thu nhập, công nhân còn kì vọng doanh nghiệp có thêm nhiều đơn hàng để chế độ lương, thưởng dịp lễ 30.4 và 1.5 sắp đến khả quan hơn.