Spread the word about Trade Union leaders who are always ready for workers

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Building a strong team of grassroots union officials is the determination set by the Phu Yen Provincial Labor Federation in the current period.

Grassroots impressions from each union official

Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Tau - Chairwoman of Hoa Hiep Export Rattan Processing Enterprise (belonging to the Trade Union of Phu Yen Provincial Economic Zone) has many years of working in the trade union and has received the trust of union members and workers. employees (employees) in the company.

Not only with workers, Ms. Tau also received the trust of foreign business leaders.

Ms. Tau shared: "I always care about the wishes of the workers. If I have reasonable opinions, I will inform the business leaders and propose and have convincing arguments for the leaders to see that they should be applied. At the same time, stand side by side with difficult workers to provide timely support.

Thanks to their fairness, softness, and sometimes fierceness, the company's union has always had an important voice in business leaders as well as the trust of employees in recent years."
For Mr. Nguyen Tan Thuan - Chairman of the Communist Union of Phu Yen Water Supply and Sewerage Joint Stock Company, for many years as an officer of the Communist Union, the thing he has always wondered about is what to do, what activities to organize that will benefit union members and help the Communist Union develop.

Mr. Thuan shared that working in a union requires enthusiasm, but with the fluctuations of modern society, that is not enough. Active, adaptable, and timely improvisation staff will be effective assistants in ensuring stability and improvement in the rights and lives of workers. Therefore, Mr. Thuan always devotes his enthusiasm and expertise to affirming the Union's position in the hearts of workers for the common goal of better maintaining the working life of union members over the years.

Spread examples of good union officials

In a series of activities to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the establishment of the Vietnam Trade Union, the Confederation of Labor of Phu Yen province focused on praising exemplary trade union officials.

Mr. Dang Ngoc Anh - Chairman of the Confederation of Labor of Phu Yen province - said that through the process of formation and development, Phu Yen Trade Union has grown from difficulties and challenges through historical periods.

In that process, a significant impression was left from the staff of the Communist Party of Vietnam to the higher level Trade Union. There have been many policies and regulations on welfare and legal and legitimate interests of union members and employees that have been successfully proposed and proposed by Trade Unions at all levels. Even more profound are the thousands of union members and workers in difficult situations... who were discovered, shared and mobilized resources by grassroots union officials to help overcome them.

Or the houses with the Trade Union mark have helped the entire unionized family have a spacious and stable place to live.

In the first 6 months of 2024, there were more than 46,800 gifts, with a total amount of more than 11 billion VND, 4 "Trade Union Warm" houses were given to union members in difficult circumstances, including the connection of the union officials.

Also according to Mr. Anh, improving the quality of human resources, resolving pressing concerns about labor and employment and taking care of improving the lives of workers are the goals of Phu Yen Provincial Trade Union in the 2023-2028 term. . Therefore, building and developing a team of dynamic and qualified trade union officials to gather union members and build better relationships between Trade Unions with employees and employers is first of all spreading the good news. Mirror is available.

linh thảo

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