Khánh Hòa Provincial Labour Federation Receives the Second-Class Independence Order

Phương Linh |

Khanh Hoa - Afternoon 8.8, LĐLĐ province Khanh Hoa organized a ceremony to commemorate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union and received the Second Class Independence Order.

Attending the ceremony were Mr. Huỳnh Thanh Xuân - Vice Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour, Mr. Nguyễn Hải Ninh - Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Khánh Hòa and a large number of labor union officials through many generations.

Overall view of the commemoration ceremony. Photo: Phương Linh
The Labor Union of Khánh Hòa Province commemorates the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union. Photo: Phương Linh

Recalling the history of the birth and development of the Vietnam Trade Union organization, Mr. Phan Thanh Liêm - Chairman of the Labor Union of Khánh Hòa Province - highlighted the memorable milestones of the Khánh Hòa Trade Union.

On December 24, 1929, the Provincial Party Committee established the Khánh Hòa Workers' Association - the precursor to the Khánh Hòa Trade Union of today. Through 11 congresses, the labor movement and the activities of the provincial trade union have overcome many difficulties and challenges, gradually affirming and promoting their role and responsibilities, and building trust among union members and workers.

Leaders of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour and the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Khánh Hòa present the Second-Class Independence Order to the Labor Union of Khánh Hòa Province. Photo: Phương Linh
Leaders of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour and the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Khánh Hòa present the Second-Class Independence Order to the Labor Union of Khánh Hòa Province. Photo: Phương Linh

Many practical activities of the Labor Union of Khánh Hòa Province have left a deep impression on the hearts of union members, such as the Labor Month, the Spring Festival, the Union Member Welfare Program, the Labor Union's Warm Home Program... and many other social activities that have been implemented and have spread throughout society.

Mr. Huỳnh Thanh Xuân - Vice Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour presents a commemorative medal for the Vietnam Trade Union's 95th anniversary. Photo: Phương Linh
Mr. Huỳnh Thanh Xuân - Vice Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour presents a commemorative medal for the Vietnam Trade Union's 95th anniversary to union members in Khánh Hòa Province. Photo: Phương Linh

From 2018 to the present, the Labor Union of Khánh Hòa Province has supported the repair and construction of 172 warm homes for union members with a total value of over 7.7 billion VND; timely visited and supported hundreds of thousands of union members with difficult circumstances, work-related injuries, occupational diseases, and those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic with a total value of over 60 billion VND...

With the efforts of labor union officials at the grassroots level, 95 outstanding individuals were commended by the Labor Union of Khánh Hòa Province on this occasion. Photo: Phương Linh
The Labor Union of Khánh Hòa Province commended 95 outstanding labor union officials at the grassroots level. Photo: Phương Linh

Recognizing these results, with the authorization of the President, Mr. Nguyễn Hải Ninh - Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Khánh Hòa and Mr. Huỳnh Thanh Xuân - Vice Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour - presented the Second-Class Independence Order to the Labor Union of Khánh Hòa Province.

The Vietnam General Confederation of Labour presented a commemorative medal for the construction and development of the trade union organization to 17 individuals.

Photo: Phương Linh
The Labor Union of Khánh Hòa Province commended 95 labor union officials who have made outstanding contributions to building a strong and prosperous trade union in Khánh Hòa Province. Photo: Phương Linh

In his speech at the ceremony, Mr. Nguyễn Hải Ninh shared that he sent some contents for the Labor Union of Khánh Hòa to study and implement. These include continuing to inherit and revive the glorious traditions of the working class and the trade union organization over the past 95 years. This is the premise for studying and innovating the work of propaganda and raising the awareness of union members and workers about the trade union organization and the benefits that the trade union brings to workers.

Continuing to innovate the content and methods of operation, promoting the comprehensive strength in caring for and protecting the legitimate interests of union members. Implementing the role of representation and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of union members and workers, considering this a key point to attract a large number of workers to join the trade union, always supporting and trusting the trade union organization...

Phương Linh

Khánh Hòa phản hồi vụ tiệm bánh mì có dư lượng thuốc trừ sâu

Hữu Long |

Ngày 7.8, Sở Y tế Khánh Hòa thông tin chính thức trước việc một số mẫu rau sống tại nhiều tiệm bánh mì Nha Trang dương tính với dư lượng thuốc bảo vệ thực vật.

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Phương Linh |

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Công đoàn Viên chức Khánh Hòa tôn vinh cán bộ CĐCS tiêu biểu

Phương Linh |

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Phương Linh |

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