Explaining why young employees are dynamic, quick-witted but have poor resistance to pressure

Trúc Linh |

That is the opinion of human resource managers at some companies in Can Tho and Tra Vinh. Employers want young employees to develop their inherent potential and practice soft skills to withstand work pressure in a difficult economic context.

The trend of job hopping at a young age

Ms. Le Van, 23 years old, living in Can Tho City, has just quit her job at an advertising company after about half a year of working with an average salary of 6.5 million VND/month. Ms. Van said that work pressure was the main reason why she gave up the content creation field at the company.

“I intended to change jobs after only working for about 3 months because I was “disillusioned”, I did not think the job required such high productivity. The relationships in the company were also not good so I soon quit” - Ms. Van confided.

Currently, Ms. Van is looking for a job related to online sales at fast food or clothing stores with a salary of 8 million VND/month.

“I think the recruitment demand will increase before Tet 2025, so this will be an opportunity to have a new job. In addition, I am young so I want to try my hand in many environments,” Ms. Van analyzed.

Having just found a new job at a garment company in An Giang province, Ms. Nguyen Linh Nguyen (21 years old, Long Xuyen city) expressed her opinion that for people under 25 years old, if they do not find a suitable working environment, they can consider changing jobs to adapt quickly.

Talking to Lao Dong about the trend of job hopping, Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Chung - Deputy Director of the Can Tho City Employment Service Center - said that there are many reasons leading to the number of employees quitting their jobs such as not being satisfied with the current salary, the job is not suitable, wanting to start their own business, etc. This situation has caused many businesses to fall into a passive situation because of the constant shortage of workers to serve production and business.

“In addition to the advantages such as experiencing a new working environment, gaining more information and knowledge, meeting new businesses and people, increasing income, etc., job hopping has many limitations such as difficulty in building achievements and reputation for oneself, losing relationships and development at the old company. Advice for employees who change jobs, especially young people, is to determine the right time to change jobs; not to change jobs too early because they may have little work experience; have a clear new plan and direction, etc.,” Ms. Chung informed.

Company finds solutions

In fact, some companies and businesses in the Mekong Delta are currently recruiting young workers, because this is a potential human resource with the advantages of being dynamic, quick-witted and highly ambitious for development. However, according to some managers, workers aged 25 and under (also known as Gen Z) are under relatively low work pressure and have little discipline.

“The company is recruiting 12 employees, including 10 sales staff and 2 technical staff to expand the market at the end of the year. However, recruitment is facing difficulties because previously, some young employees, Gen Z, were under quite weak pressure. They also paid little attention to punctuality and responsibility, so many incidents occurred, and from there they no longer intended to stay with the company for a long time,” informed Mr. Le Minh Nhut, Head of Division Marketing (Viet Agriculture Production - Trading & Service Co., Ltd. in Tra Vinh).

Given the above situation, Mr. Nhut's company has developed a number of new policies to attract Gen Z employees, focusing on organizing free training courses to improve skills and abilities for new employees.

Mr. Than Thanh Luan - Head of Division Marketing (Nikolet Co., Ltd. in Can Tho) - said: “Gen Z employees have great potential and outstanding creativity, but 50% of them cannot develop their abilities and strengths because they only think about finishing their work to receive their salary. Personally, I think that the working environment, salary, and bonus will be the motivation to help you develop your full potential; at the same time, each young employee needs to improve their expertise and soft skills, especially the ability to withstand pressure, set goals, and overcome difficulties if they really want to work long-term with the company."

Trúc Linh

Thảo luận phương hướng nhân sự Trung ương khóa XIV

Vương Trần |

Chiều 18.9, Văn phòng Trung ương Đảng đã có Thông cáo báo chí về ngày làm việc thứ nhất của Hội nghị Trung ương 10 khóa XIII.

Thực trạng nhân sự ngành xuất bản

Huyền Chi |

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Hẹp đường nhân sự IT, lao động phải thích nghi

Phong Linh |

Thị trường việc làm lĩnh vực công nghệ thông tin (IT) đang “hẹp dần” sau vài năm bùng nổ tuyển dụng và lương thưởng. Điều này đòi hỏi mỗi người lao động cần trau dồi chuyên môn, kỹ năng để thích nghi với nghề.

Người trẻ trần tình về chiếc mác Gen Z thích ''nhảy việc''


Các nhân sự Gen Z có tư tưởng khác với các thế hệ trước về chuyện “nhảy việc” bởi họ cho rằng người trẻ sẽ có nhiều cơ hội thay đổi để bước ra được vòng an toàn.

Tránh trở thành “xác sống công sở", nhiều lao động chọn cách nhảy việc


Khủng hoảng niềm tin, căng thẳng kéo dài, khiến chị Nhung chọn nghỉ việc, chuyển sang một công ty mới. Việc này giúp chị tránh trở thành "xác sống công sở".

Xe tải bốc cháy ngùn ngụt trên cao tốc Vĩnh Hảo - Phan Thiết

Duy Tuấn |

Bình Thuận - Xe tải đang lưu thông thì bốc cháy ngùn ngụt trên cao tốc Vĩnh Hảo - Phan Thiết.

Tin 20h: Yên Bái kiểm tra nhà hàng "chặt chém" đoàn từ thiện

Nhóm PV |

Tin 20h ngày 19.9: Bà Nguyễn Phương Hằng được ra tù vào hôm nay; Yên Bái kiểm tra nhà hàng bị tố chặt chém đoàn từ thiện...

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Huyền Chi |

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Discussing personnel orientation of the 14th Central Committee

Vương Trần |

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The reality of human resources in the publishing industry

Huyền Chi |

In recent years, publishing activities in Vietnam have developed rapidly, gradually adapting to market mechanisms, meeting the increasingly high and diverse needs of readers, promoting digital transformation and applying modern science and technology.

Narrow IT human resources path, workers must adapt

Phong Linh |

The IT job market is shrinking after several years of booming recruitment and salaries. This requires each worker to improve their expertise and skills to adapt to the job.

Người trẻ trần tình về chiếc mác Gen Z thích ''nhảy việc''


Các nhân sự Gen Z có tư tưởng khác với các thế hệ trước về chuyện “nhảy việc” bởi họ cho rằng người trẻ sẽ có nhiều cơ hội thay đổi để bước ra được vòng an toàn.

Tránh trở thành “xác sống công sở", nhiều lao động chọn cách nhảy việc


Khủng hoảng niềm tin, căng thẳng kéo dài, khiến chị Nhung chọn nghỉ việc, chuyển sang một công ty mới. Việc này giúp chị tránh trở thành "xác sống công sở".