Talking during work hours, workers are punished in a stigmatized manner


Workers in Binh Duong sent a report about a company punishing workers for talking during working hours in a defamatory and humiliating manner.

The worker sent a picture of two workers sitting with their hands clasped on a chair in a red rectangular box. In the middle is a sign indicating that this is a violator talking during work hours.

According to workers, this form of punishment has the nature of stigmatizing, humiliating, and seriously offends the honor and dignity of workers. This penalty is inappropriate and should not be used in a corporate environment.

After receiving feedback , the reporter of Lao Dong Newspaper transferred it to the leaders of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs of Binh Duong province and the Confederation of Labor of Binh Duong province for verification and clarification.

Workers reported to reporters of Lao Dong Newspaper. Screenshots
Workers reported to reporters of Lao Dong Newspaper. Screenshots

The leaders of the Confederation of Labor of Binh Duong province immediately transferred the information to the Confederation of Labor of Bau Bang district to clarify the information. The Bau Bang District Labor Federation has made an initial report on this incident. It is determined that the above penalty occurred in June 2024 at AP INTL Company Limited

The cause of the incident was because the company changed new managers (foreigners) and did not understand Vietnamese culture, so they imposed inappropriate measures. The company also acknowledged the shortcomings and corrected them.

According to the report of the Confederation of Labor of Bau Bang district, no similar situation has occurred since then.

In addition to the above issue, the union also recorded a number of other complaints such as, the company kept the workers' ID cards, colluded to increase the price of boarding houses too high...

According to the facility's explanation, the company does not keep workers' ID cards. Only when interviewing workers, the company requires ID cards to determine identity and age. Then, if qualified, the company will take fingerprints to scan to enter and exit the gate and return the CCCD to the employee.

Regarding the issue of high accommodation prices and oppression of workers, the company's union said that due to the large number of workers, the demand for accommodation has increased.

Meanwhile, the number of rooms is low, so boarding houses have increased the rental price (from 800,000 to 1,100,000 VND/month).

Within a radius of 4km around the company, there are few motels for workers. Most of the workers come from other provinces so they want to have a place to stay close to the company to easily get to work, so the demand for motels is greater than the supply...

Propose localities to work with landlords to reduce room rental prices. Photo: Dinh Trong

Recommend establishing a delegation to verify

The Bau Bang District Labor Federation said it would advise the establishment of a delegation to survey and verify the problems at the above company.

At the same time, advise the District People's Committee in directing the locality (Lai Uyen town) and related sectors to work with motel owners around the company area to dialogue on applying appropriate rental prices to collect revenue. attract labor resources to Bau Bang district. In addition, consider policies to invest in more social housing or boarding houses for workers.

Recommend to inspect the management of labor supply units in implementing labor laws.

The company uses 2/3 seasonal workers

According to the report, the above company has more than 7,500 employees, of which there are only 2,429 official employees, the remaining more than 5,000 are seasonal workers. The company does not implement any policies regarding labor supply. Wages paid to labor supplied through 21 suppliers.


Công ty tăng lương cơ bản sau khi 100 công nhân ngừng việc


Tại thành phố Bến Cát, tỉnh Bình Dương, sau khi 100 công nhân ngừng việc, công ty tăng 294.000 đồng lương cơ bản.

Quy định về thời hiệu giải quyết tranh chấp lao động cá nhân

Nam Dương |

Bạn đọc có email gửi email đến Văn phòng Tư vấn pháp luật Báo Lao Động hỏi: Tôi có tranh chấp lao động với công ty. Xin hỏi, thời hiệu giải quyết tranh chấp lao động cá nhân được quy định thế nào?

Công đoàn bị khủng bố, bêu xấu trên mạng vì công nhân vay tiền tín dụng đen


ĐỒNG NAI - Tình trạng tín dụng đen trong công nhân ở các khu công nghiệp ngày càng xảy ra nhiều biến tướng xấu. Để đòi nợ công nhân, các đối tượng còn bêu xấu cả các cán bộ công đoàn, thậm chí cả ban chấp hành công đoàn cơ sở và con em của họ lên trên các trang mạng xã hội nhằm mục đích khủng bố tinh thần, gây áp lực hòng đòi tiền.

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Ngang nhiên rào tôn chắn cửa sổ nhà dân giữa Hà Nội

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Hoàng Anh Gia Lai thắng đậm Quảng Nam trận ra quân V.League

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