Training on women's work for Binh Dinh trade union officials

Xuân Nhàn |

The training class aims to foster skills for female grassroots trade union officials outside the state sector in the area.

On August 26, the Women's Committee of the General Confederation of Labor and the Confederation of Labor of Binh Dinh province organized a conference to train and foster skills for female workers of the Communist Party of Vietnam outside the state sector. The training class has 80 students.

Member of the Presidium, Head of the Women's Committee of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Do Hong Van attended and directed the conference.

Binh Dinh is one of three localities in the country selected by the Women's Committee of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor for direct training. The event is also an important content of a series of activities deployed by the Women's Union Women's Union for the first time in this locality.

Member of the Presidium, Head of the Women's Committee of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Do Hong Van directed the conference. Photo: Xuan Nhan.
Member of the Presidium, Head of the Women's Committee of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Do Hong Van directed the conference. Photo: Xuan Nhan.

Speaking at the conference, Ms. Do Hong Van said: The women's work program of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, term 2023 - 2028, is the concretization of 3 breakthrough stages identified at the 13th Congress of Trade Unions. Vietnam, including the target of improving the capacity of female union workers at all levels through training, education and skill transfer activities.

The training class takes place for 1 day with the following topics: Regimes and policies for female workers and dialogue skills to care for and protect the legitimate rights and interests of female workers; skills to persuade and mobilize female workers in women's trade union activities; public speaking skills.

Rapporteur Tran Thu Phuong, Deputy Head of the Women's Union, in a situation of communicating with students. Photo: Xuan Nhan.
Rapporteur Tran Thu Phuong, Deputy Head of the Women's Union, in a situation of communicating with students. Photo: Xuan Nhan.

The conference also spent time guiding students on the process of establishing, organizing and operating the Communist Party's mass women's committee; Steps to implement the emulation movement "Good at country work, responsible for housework" among female workers and civil servants associated with the emulation movement "Building Vietnamese women in the new era".

Xuân Nhàn

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