Spending $400 billion on chip production in the next 3 years


China, South Korea and Taiwan (China) will lead investments in chip manufacturing equipment from 2025-2027.

The semiconductor industry will see record spending over the next three years of up to $400 billion, mostly on chip manufacturing equipment, according to the Global Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry Association (SEMI).

The driving force for this increase is the growing demand for AI chips, memory chips and the need to expand chip production capacity of many countries around the world.

According to SEMI's report, spending on chip manufacturing equipment will grow an impressive 24% in 2025 alone, reaching a total of $123 billion.

Leading the chip manufacturing equipment sales are companies such as ASML from the Netherlands, Applied Materials, KLA and Lam Research from the US, as well as Tokyo Electron from Japan.

China is expected to remain the world leader in chip equipment investment, with spending expected to exceed $100 billion over the next three years. This massive spending is largely due to China’s drive for self-sufficiency in the face of a global chip shortage and restrictions from other countries.

South Korea, home to leading memory chip makers such as Samsung and SK Hynix, is expected to invest $81 billion between 2025 and 2027.

In Taiwan, China, home to the world's top contract chipmaker TSMC, spending is estimated at US$75 billion.

TSMC has also expanded its operations globally, with new factories under construction in the US, Japan and Europe, reflecting a broader effort to diversify chip production and meet growing demand.

Other regions are also increasing investment. In the Americas, spending is expected to reach $63 billion; Japan is expected to invest $32 billion in chipmaking equipment. Europe is expected to spend $27 billion over the same period.

These regions are expected to double equipment investment by 2027 compared to 2024 levels, thanks to policy incentives designed to ensure a steady supply of essential semiconductors.

The future of the semiconductor industry is increasingly shaped by geopolitical factors and an increasing reliance on advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence.

China, South Korea and Taiwan (China) will continue to dominate the semiconductor industry. However, as other regions increase investment, the global semiconductor manufacturing landscape is likely to become more competitive in the coming years.


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