Da Nang City promotes the reduction of administrative procedures

Mai Hương |

Recently, Da Nang City has reduced administrative procedures and used digital data warehouses in the Personal Warehouse and Digital Administrative Procedure Results Warehouse.

According to the report of the Ministry of Information and Communications (the standing agency of the National Committee on Digital Transformation), as of July 2024, the rate of online public services in Da Nang City is the highest in the country at 95% (the provincial average is 55%); the rate of online records in the entire process is 65% (the provincial average is 17%).

To achieve this achievement, Da Nang City has reduced administrative procedures , used digital data warehouses in Personal Warehouse, Digital Administrative Procedure Results Warehouse.

According to the leader of the Department of Information and Communications of Da Nang City, reducing administrative procedures is a characteristic of Digital Government, not only convenient for people and businesses but also saving time for civil servants in processing public service records, to perform other tasks.

In addition, Da Nang City has diversified channels/subjects for submitting online applications; not only do people and businesses submit applications themselves, but through the model of "Online Public Service Agent" to support receiving and submitting online applications on behalf of people and businesses.

Reducing administrative procedures is a characteristic of Digital Government. Photo: Thuy Trang
Reducing administrative procedures is a characteristic of Digital Government. Photo: Thuy Trang

Da Nang City also monitors and warns hourly about the status of administrative procedure records processing from the IOC Center to the Chairman of the City People's Committee; to each Head and officer in charge of administrative reform (via system account, SMS messages, Zalo messages...); especially records that have been submitted but not yet received, records that are close to the return deadline... to have timely handling plans.

With this solution, statistics in the first 6 months of 2024 show that the number of overdue records has decreased to about 0.1% of total records (but mainly criminal records, depending on verification by other localities); previously in 2023 it was 3.9%.

Currently, Da Nang City is using the results of previously issued administrative procedures to reduce 180 re-issued administrative procedures, accounting for 10% of the city's total administrative procedures (newly reduced, not completely eliminated).

Mai Hương

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Lê Thanh Phong |

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