Recommended time to leave food in the lunch box


When non-vegetarian foods are packed in lunch boxes and left at room temperature for many hours, they tend to create bacteria.

The temperature range causes bacteria to multiply

Dr. Umang Malhotra, clinical nutritionist Fitelo (a popular diet program in India) - said that bringing a lunch box to work is the choice of many people because of its convenience, initiative, and non-intrusive nature. affect work and safety.

However, the most important factor to consider when packing non-vegetarian foods in lunch boxes is storage time and temperature.

According to Dr. Umang Malhotra, the “danger zone” temperature range of 5 degrees Celsius (41°F) to 60 degrees Celsius (140°F) is considered to produce bacteria that can cause foodborne diseases. product. They can multiply quickly, doubling in number in just 20 minutes.

Non-vegetarian foods, especially meat, poultry and seafood contain nutrients and moisture that bacteria need to grow, creating favorable conditions for Salmonella, E. coli, Campylobacter and Listeria monocytogenes to grow. boiling.

When meats in general are packaged in food containers and left at room temperature for many hours, they tend to be in the “danger zone.”

This is especially worrying in warm climates or during the summer months when room temperatures can easily exceed 20 degrees Celsius (68°F). Under such conditions, bacteria such as Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus can multiply rapidly in chicken or cooked meat, leading to a higher risk of food poisoning.

What food should I bring?

According to Mr. Umang Malhotra, foods that should be avoided in lunch boxes include:

- Raw or undercooked meat: These meats can contain bacteria (Campylobacter, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus) that grow rapidly if not stored properly.

Seafood: Fish, shrimp and other seafood are perishable at room temperature and are best avoided unless they can be refrigerated.

- Dairy sauces: Meat or poultry cooked in a creamy or dairy-based sauce (like butter chicken or cream pasta) will spoil more quickly due to the perishable nature of milk.

On the other hand, sausages and salami can be carried due to their lower moisture content and are often treated with preservatives, making them less susceptible to bacterial growth.

Hard-boiled eggs are less likely to spoil than raw or undercooked eggs.

Dr. Umang Malhotra added: “Grilled or boiled chicken that is thoroughly cooked and kept dry usually lasts longer than fried or lightly cooked chicken. Ideally, food should be eaten within two hours of packaging, or within one hour if the ambient temperature is above 30 degrees Celsius (86°F).”


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