Women lose weight effectively with 10 low-calorie foods


Choosing the right foods to control your daily calorie intake is an important rule of weight loss .

When embarking on a weight loss journey, choosing foods that are nutrient-dense and low in calories is an important step.

Below is a list of 10 low-calorie foods according to My Juniper (a weight loss and health care site for women), which can help you feel full longer while maintaining a low calorie intake, thereby effectively supporting your weight loss process.


Apples are a popular fruit and a great choice for a weight loss diet.

According to data from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), a medium-sized apple weighing 100 grams provides about 62 calories along with 2.4 grams of fiber. In addition to being low in calories, apples also contain vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidant compounds such as the flavonoid quercetin, which promote overall health.

Photo: Healthline
Apples are nutritious but low in calories. Photo: Healthline


According to the USDA, 100 grams of carrots provide an average of 41.3 calories, making them a rich source of nutrients. This vegetable is rich in carotenoids, including lutein and beta-carotene, which help protect vision and promote immune function.


According to the USDA, broccoli contains only about 33.7 calories per 100g but provides more than 100% of the daily vitamin C requirement. This is a great choice for those who want to supplement vitamins without worrying about gaining weight.


Papaya is an orange fruit that is packed with vitamins and minerals like vitamins A and C, folate, and potassium. With only about 68 calories in a small papaya, it's a great choice for a low-calorie snack, according to the USDA.


Cauliflower, with about 24.9 calories per 100g (according to USDA), is an ideal food for a diet.

You can use cauliflower as a substitute for high-carb or grain dishes, such as cauliflower "rice" or cauliflower pizza crust.

Cauliflower is becoming increasingly popular in weight loss menus. Photo: Healthline
Cauliflower is becoming increasingly popular in weight loss menus. Photo: Healthline


Celery is high in water content, with only 17 calories per 100g (according to the USDA). Not only is this vegetable a great snack, it can also be combined with other ingredients like organic peanut butter to create a blend of protein, fat, and fiber.


According to the USDA, a cucumber contains only about 15 calories, making it a very versatile vegetable. You can add them to salads or use them to flavor your drinks, helping to increase your daily water intake.


Kale, with 49 calories per 100g (according to the USDA), is a popular choice for those who love leafy greens. Rich in vitamins A, C, and K along with manganese and copper, kale can be used in a variety of dishes such as salads, curries, and smoothies.

Bell pepper

A 100g red bell pepper has just 20.1 calories (according to USDA), making it an ideal snack. It is also rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and lycopene, which provide many health benefits.


Strawberries have only about 32.5 calories per 100g (according to USDA), making them a nutritious and delicious snack. They provide many essential vitamins and minerals, while helping you keep your calorie count low.

While consuming low-calorie foods can help you control hunger and support your weight loss goals, it is important to consider other factors such as lifestyle, activity level, genetics, and age. These factors all significantly affect your weight loss progress.


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Nhóm PV (Theo Healthshots) |

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Còn bao nhiêu hồ thủy điện mở cửa xả lũ?


Đến nay, các hồ thủy điện đang thực hiện xả điều tiết gồm Tuyên Quang (1 cửa), Thác Bà (2 cửa), Trung Sơn (3 cửa), Bản Vẽ (3 cửa).