Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder

THÙY DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common mental disorder, below are the symptoms of people suffering from this condition.

What is obsessive-compulsive disorder - OCD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, also known as obsessive-compulsive disorder and abbreviated as OCD, is a neurological disorder that involves thoughts and behaviors. It is a psychological disorder and is common in many different forms.

People with OCD often have meaningless repetitive behaviors and thoughts to reduce stress or anxiety. In the long term, OCD will affect the patient's life as well as the people around them.

Currently, no medical research has shown the exact cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder. However, the following factors can increase the likelihood of developing this disease:

- Changes in the brain or body, lack of Serotonin in the brain; children infected with beta-hemolytic streptococcus, group A streptococcus are more susceptible to the disease than other children.

- Do something for a long time and it forms a habit.

- Family history of these disorders.

- Stress in life, especially for sensitive people.

- Pregnant women or women who have just given birth are at higher risk of getting the disease than normal people.

According to psychiatrist Santosh Bangar (UK): “People with OCD often experience emotional disturbances that affect their thinking. More than just obsessions about order and organization, people with OCD can feel helpless in the face of unreasonable demands of the rational mind on themselves and others.”

Symptoms of OCD

Obsessions: These are recurring thoughts, ideas, or images that are often distressing and disturbing. Obsessions can be about cleanliness, safety, or unwanted thoughts, or a fear of harming yourself or others.

Compulsions: These are a series of behaviors that the person often repeats to relieve anxiety or obsessions. For example, checking the window repeatedly, constantly washing hands or arranging furniture in an orderly and neat manner.

Impact on daily life: If a person with OCD does not perform the compulsions, he or she will always feel stressed and insecure.

Uncontrollable: The person cannot stop repetitive thoughts or behaviors even though they can distinguish right from wrong.

THÙY DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots)

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