The wife had a stroke because she lost all her assets, but the husband remained to take care of her


" Wife and Husband Concur " aired with the theme of Unanimity, bringing the touching story of couple Minh Thien - Bach Tuyet.

Meeting each other at a friend's wedding, Mr. Minh Thien "fell in love at first sight", fell in love with Ms. Anh Tuyet and tried to contact her via landline.

"At that time, there was no cell phone number, so I only used the landline phone. Even though I was afraid to meet my girlfriend's family, I risked my life. When I called Bach Tuyet's house, a sister answered the phone. I was so shaken that I could only ask about my girlfriend," Mr. Minh Thien recounted.

While Mr. Minh Thien "secretly loves him", Ms. Bach Tuyet still does not know the other person's presence. Therefore, Mr. Minh Thien asked a mutual friend to act as a "bridge" and meet at a coffee shop to chat.

After 6 months since their first meeting, Minh Thien - Bach Tuyet officially fell in love. A year later, the couple officially "came together".

However, in order to get married, the couple encountered obstacles when Mr. Minh Thien's mother did not agree with Ms. Bach Tuyet because of regional cultural differences. With the strong feelings of people in their twenties, the two held hands to convince their parents.

After 3 months, they finally picked the sweet fruit. However, Ms. Bach Tuyet could not hide her worries: "I'm not angry, but I'm very sad, because I think I'm not ugly, Mr. Thien is 11 years older than me, why is it just because of regional differences?" not agreed. Not only am I sad, I'm also self-conscious, that's why I'm even more determined."

Thinking she would enjoy the joy after convincing her mother-in-law's approval, Bach Tuyet was sad when she discovered that her husband was having an extramarital relationship 3 months after giving birth to her first child.

In response to his wife's comments, on the show, Mr. Minh Thien denied, claiming that he was wronged even though he did not explain the situation clearly. “I talked about this issue but she didn't believe it. Because she didn't believe it, I didn't explain. I see that women are often imaginative and have very rich fantasies," he said.

When MC Dinh Toan mentioned that he had to be responsible for explaining and alleviating the other person's insecurities, Mr. Minh Thien reasoned: "At that time, I was worried about education and work as well." So there's no time."

Continuing, Ms. Bach Tuyet expressed: "Actually, my husband has a quiet personality, so when he gets into trouble, he doesn't bother to explain, saying that he can think whatever he wants. However, as a woman, who wouldn't be jealous?

In their married life, Minh Thien - Bach Tuyet have many big differences. While her husband is calm and quiet, Snow White has a strong personality. Therefore, sometimes they cannot avoid controversies in daily life.

A major event that made Ms. Snow White change and become a softer woman was the moment when she lost a large sum of money in business and was hospitalized not long after due to a stroke.

"That time was very difficult, but my husband only told me one sentence: "There are still people - there are still property." After saying that, I thought my life was still lucky, because if the incident hadn't happened, I couldn't imagine where my feelings would be. From there, I also concluded one thing for myself: I must be more feminine to have a shoulder to lean on. Sometimes I'm too strong, I always think I can endure it so I don't need to rely on anyone", Ms. Snow White was emotional.

Following Ms. Bach Tuyet's words, Mr. Minh Thien expressed: "I don't think I can become anyone's shoulder, but if my wife can't walk, I'm willing to push her wheelchair so she can go out. I don't speak but I act." Her husband's words made Ms. Snow White feel teary-eyed.

Listening to the "overcoming storms" love story of couple Minh Thien - Bach Tuyet, People's Artist Thanh Dien commented: "In every love relationship, there must be ups and downs and when you overcome them, you will find greater happiness." Normal. So if there are no storms - it's not a love affair."


Phương pháp giúp người phụ nữ 90kg giảm 49cm vòng eo


Người phụ nữ giảm 42cm vòng eo, lấy lại vóc dáng thon gọn.

Chàng trai từng hủy hôn ấn nút hẹn hò cô gái bị hiếm muộn


Được Quyền Linh tích cực mai mối, cặp đôi đã cho nhau cơ hội hẹn hò. Họ bỏ qua cho nhau những điều đối phương còn thiếu sót.

Giúp các cặp vợ chồng tháo gỡ những khúc mắc trong hôn nhân

Mai Hương |

Nhà xuất bản Phụ nữ Việt Nam vừa ra mắt hai cuốn sách “Hòa hợp hôn nhân - Bí mật chuyện phòng the”, “Hòa hợp hôn nhân - Buông hay giữ".

Kiên quyết giải phóng mặt bằng thực hiện cao tốc Bắc - Nam


UBND huyện Lệ Thủy (tỉnh Quảng Bình) sẽ tiến hành cưỡng chế nếu các hộ dân không thực hiện đúng quy định, phương án giải phóng mặt bằng.

Giám định nguyên nhân, phân định trách nhiệm vụ sập cầu Phong Châu

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - Bộ Xây dựng vừa có công văn gửi UBND tỉnh Phú Thọ về việc giải quyết sự cố công trình cầu Phong Châu.

Thủy điện Tuyên Quang đóng toàn bộ 8 cửa xả đáy

Việt Bắc |

Đến sáng 17.9, Thủy điện Tuyên Quang đã đóng cửa xả đáy cuối cùng sau khi phải mở toàn bộ 8 cửa xả trước mưa lũ lịch sử.

Israel dội gáo nước lạnh vào tên lửa siêu thanh của Houthi

Ngọc Vân |

Houthi tuyên bố bắn tên lửa siêu thanh vào Israel, trong khi Israel cho biết, thực chất đó chỉ là một tên lửa thông thường.

Tết Trung thu đặc biệt của những đứa trẻ vùng lũ

Cao Thơm |

Trung Thu này, dù không được rước đèn hay múa lân, trẻ em ở Chương Mỹ, Hà Nội vẫn được thầy cô mang quà bánh đến tổ chức tại điểm di dời chống .