Support level for party members awarded Party Badges in Lai Chau

Thục Quyên |

Party members of Lai Chau Provincial Party Committee who are awarded the Badge of 40 years of Party membership or more will receive monthly support if they meet the prescribed conditions.

Resolution No. 27/2022/NQ-HDND of the People's Council of Lai Chau province (effective from August 15, 2022) stipulates the monthly support regime for party members of the Lai Chau Provincial Party Committee who are awarded the Party Badge from 40 years of Party membership or more.

Accordingly, the beneficiaries are Party members of Lai Chau Provincial Party Committee who have been awarded the Badge for 40 years of Party membership or more, who are not entitled to salary, pension, allowances, preferential allowances for people with revolutionary contributions, or are only entitled to social benefits according to Decree No. 20/2021/ND-CP dated March 15, 2021 of the Government regulating social assistance policies for social protection beneficiaries.

Subjects meeting the above conditions are entitled to the following support levels:

a) Party members awarded the 40-year Party membership badge: Support level is 450,000 VND/month/party member.

b) Party members awarded the 45-year Party membership badge: Support level is 600,000 VND/month/party member.

c) Party members awarded the 50-year Party membership badge: Support level is 750,000 VND/month/party member.

d) Party members awarded the 55-year Party membership badge: Support level is 900,000 VND/month/party member.

d) Party members awarded the 60-year Party membership badge: Support level is 1,050,000 VND/month/party member.

e) Party members awarded the 65-year Party membership badge: Support level is 1,200,000 VND/month/party member.

g) Party members awarded the 70-year Party membership badge: Support level is 1,350,000 VND/month/party member.

h) Party members awarded the 75-year Party membership badge or more: Support level is 1,500,000 VND/month/party member.

The Resolution also stipulates that Party members will no longer enjoy the support regime in this Resolution from the following month for Party members receiving support who die, transfer official Party activities outside the Provincial Party Committee, or Party members who leave the Party.

Thục Quyên

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Case for early consideration of Party Badge award


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