Jung Hae In once suffered from panic disorder because of reading malicious comments


Jung Hae In admitted that he felt scared when he suddenly became famous and had to face malicious comments.

Recently, Korean actor Jung Hae In appeared on the popular TV show "You Quiz on the Block". Here, he shared about the stressful time he had reading criticism on social media.

According to JTBC News, Jung Hae In started to become a star in 2018 thanks to the "syndrome" from the TV series "Pretty Noona Who Buys Me Food" co-starring with Son Ye Jin.

At that time, Jung Hae In was 31 years old. He felt very lucky to be chosen to play the main role in this work, and received help from his senior Son Ye Jin and director Ahn Pan Seok.

However, the sudden fame overwhelmed Jung Hae In and made him feel tired and pressured.

“Because I received so much attention without any preparation, I was overwhelmed and had severe insomnia.

I was not happy. I received a lot of love and care, but I had no experience receiving it, so I did not know how to become stronger.

I think I need time to find my way" - Jung Hae In shared.

Jung Hae In cam thay may man vi duoc dong vai chinh cung Son Ye Jin nhung cung ap luc vi bat ngo noi tieng. Anh: Naver
Jung Hae In feels lucky to be cast alongside Son Ye Jin, but also pressured by his sudden fame. Photo: Naver

The actor also recalled the time when he had to endure malicious comments. He said: “I was 31 years old at that time, still very young. So when I encountered criticism, it felt like that was all there was in the world.

I was in a situation where I had to constantly stand in front of the camera and be judged. There was a time when I was very afraid of malicious comments. That was when I thought about my own existence.”

Jung Hae In admitted that reading all the malicious comments at that time greatly affected his psychology: "There was a time when I didn't leave the house and lived like a recluse. I had panic disorder. I was very afraid of meeting people."

But now, he has a different perspective when receiving the audience's comments about himself. He said: "Now I know that there are people who support me and there are also people who don't like me.

If they don't like me, there's nothing I can do. I realized that I can't be loved by everyone, so I decided to do my best for the people who love me.

That's how I joined the drama "D.P" and had the opportunity to rediscover Jung Hae In."

Overcoming malicious comments also motivated Jung Hae In to have the courage to make the series “12.12: The Day” and “Veteran 2”.

Jung Hae In trong phim truyen hinh “Love Next Door“. Anh: Nha san xuat
Jung Hae In in the drama “Love Next Door“. Photo: Producer

Jung Hae In has recently attracted attention in both television and film. He starred in the TV series “Love Next Door” and the film “Veteran 2”.

Although "Love Next Door" did not achieve explosive ratings, it was still the hottest drama of the month, and also helped Jung Hae In become the most notable TV actor on the October rankings of the Korean Business Research Institute.

Meanwhile, “Veteran 2” sold more than 7.1 million tickets after 1 month of release, becoming one of the best-selling Korean movies in 2024.


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