Episode 6 "No time" aired on the evening of 4.12, revealing new developments when Lieutenant Colonel Le Nguyen Dai (Manh Truong) recorded 4 cases of soldiers with unstopcable diarrhea.
Huy gave the medicine to someone else because the unit was running out of medicine. Lieutenant Colonel Dai said that if the number of cases increased, they should consider transferring them to the infirmary. However, the infirmary prioritized treating civilians and could not accept more soldiers.
Currently, the regiment lacks both medicine and manpower to control the epidemic.
At this time, Thu announced that herbal medicine had shown results in treating diarrhea. Therefore, the soldiers were assigned to find more herbs and medicinal leaves to serve the treatment.
Dai assigned the platoon to find apricots, ginger, guava leaves, etc. to ask about folk remedies to treat intestinal diseases. At the same time, the soldiers had to remind the people to eat cooked food, drink boiled water, and clean their houses to avoid spreading the disease.
While picking medicinal leaves, Mien and Linh talked. Linh picked wild fruits for Mien to eat and teased her. Linh pretended to have diarrhea to avoid work. Mien forced him to eat medicinal leaves to cure his diarrhea. Afterwards, Mien gave Linh her drinking water. However, Linh still resisted and was upset when he had to do his duty. Mien firmly warned Linh about his reluctance to work. "Can you live for everyone?", Mien asked Linh.
In another development, Dai went to a house and found two children looking after each other, one of whom was a boy about 5 years old with severe diarrhea, high fever and delirium. Dai carried the two children across the stream to find a place to get treatment. Dai was injured, his leg was bleeding profusely but he still refused to give first aid. He assigned Mien and Linh to help the remaining child who was stuck in the mud.