"White Moon Fan Xing" has aired its first episodes. In this drama, Bai Lu became the center of attention. Her acting and character creation were praised.
"White Moon Brahma Star" has an old-fashioned fairy tale plot, still following the old way of the male lead with great power accidentally meeting the female lead and together they overcome difficulties and hardships. Later, the male lead discovers that the female lead has a special identity.
This plot has been used in many previous films, the audience is quite familiar with this type of film motif.
However, the strong point of the project "Bach Nguyet Phan Tinh" is that the film has a fast pace, the plot is developed reasonably, there are no illogical or silly details. Therefore, "Bach Nguyet Phan Tinh" still brings an interesting feeling to the audience.
In this project, Bach Loc's acting is quite good, with a lot of progress.
However, Ngao Thuy Bang has not shown much in this project. The male actor's reputation and acting ability are not outstanding enough for the audience to remember much. The young male actor shows that he is quite weak compared to the female lead.
On the movie character rankings, Ngao Thuy Bang is not ranked well. He is far behind Ly Hien of "Quoc sac phuong hoa". However, his appearance is still a big plus.
With "White Moon Brahma Star", Bach Loc is still the main audience attraction factor.
According to predictions from Chinese film experts, if the project "White Moon Fan Xing" maintains its good performance, it can reach an average of 40 - 50 million views. Currently, the average Van Hop view count of the project is about to reach 20 million views.