Showbiz beat: Anh Tu Atus and his wife hinted that they are about to announce good news


Anh Tu Atus and Dieu Nhi hinting, Negav affectionately flirting with Tieu Vy... are the entertainment news highlights on September 30.

Anh Tu Atus couple implied

During the concert of "Anh trai say hi", Dieu Nhi posted a post asking the audience to take pictures of Anh Tu so she could monitor him. She was also absent from the VIP area - where many famous artists and relatives of the 30 "brothers" were. Therefore, many viewers thought that Dieu Nhi did not attend the show. However, later, the actress posted a photo of herself sitting in a corner of the stands, wearing a mask, a hat and glasses to cover her face.

After the concert, Anh Tu asked the audience for their understanding because he could not stay to take photos or interact further. The male singer hinted that he was about to announce new news: "For whatever reason, everyone will know soon."

Many viewers believe that the couple is about to announce the good news because recently, Dieu Nhi has been constantly suspected of being pregnant. When appearing at her sister's wedding or filming a show, Dieu Nhi wears loose clothes to hide her figure, limiting her appearances at public events.

Dieu Nhi che kin khi du dem dien cua Anh Tu Atus. Anh: Facebook nhan vat
Dieu Nhi covered up when attending Anh Tu Atus's performance. Photo: Facebook character

Negav affectionate Tieu Vy

On social media, the audience spread a video of Negav chatting with Miss Tieu Vy at the concert "Anh trai say hi". The two stood joking and laughing happily in the stands after Negav finished performing. This moment was widely shared on digital platforms.

Previously, Negav's team invited Tieu Vy to assist in the song "Kim minute kim hour". The singers played the role of a love-sick guy, mourning his ex-lover, and Tieu Vy played the female lead who got married after missing out on the person she loved.

Tieu Vy va Negav than thiet. Anh: Cat tu video
Tieu Vy and Negav are close. Photo: Cut from video

Thu Quynh posted a photo album to celebrate her birthday

On her personal page, Thu Quynh posted a series of photos on the occasion of her 36th birthday. The actress shared: "It's hard to imagine what a 36-year-old will look like. Happy birthday to me, mother of two."

In the series of photos, Thu Quynh wears youthful clothes, has a playful hairstyle, and a sweet, dynamic style. She humorously revealed: "20 years ago, my dream was to be on the cover of a magazine but no one invited me. Now I'm trying, but no one should laugh at me."

Thu Quynh tre trung trong bo anh mung sinh nhat. Anh: Facebook nhan vat
Thu Quynh looks youthful in her birthday photoshoot. Photo: Facebook character

Beautiful ladies show off behind-the-scenes photos

On her personal page, Pham Quynh Anh posted a picture of her with Toc Tien, Mie and the "beautiful sisters" backstage at the show "Beautiful Sisters Riding the Wind". The audience suspected that this was the lineup of 5 "beautiful sisters".

The program "Beautiful Sister Riding the Wind 2024" officially aired in October 2024. Previously, 27 beauties were announced including: Ngoc Anh, Ai Phuong, My Linh, Thu Phuong...

Pham Quynh Anh khoe anh hau truong. Anh: Facebook nhan vat
Pham Quynh Anh shows off behind-the-scenes photos. Photo: Character's Facebook

Le Quyen shared

On her personal page, Le Quyen posted a new photo with the caption: "In this day and age, people who read news without official statements rush to the news as if it were a god, eagerly commenting as if they had found gold. What's the brain for? Where is the brain? Shake it to make it work."

The singer's statement attracted attention after several news sites reported that Le Quyen notarized documents, officially dividing half of her assets to Lam Bao Chau. Le Quyen's side denied the rumor.

Accordingly, the photo that was circulated was of Le Quyen and Lam Bao Chau receiving the house from the seller, not the certificate of transferring half of the property as rumored recently.

Le Quyen co dong thai gay chu y. Anh: Facebook nhan vat
Le Quyen's move attracted attention. Photo: Facebook character

Nhịp showbiz: Lý do Negav nghỉ học gây xôn xao

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Chia sẻ cũ của Negav bị tìm lại, Tiến Luật gây sốc... là những điểm tin giải trí nổi bật ngày 29.9.

Nhịp showbiz: Negav bị fan quay lưng vì quá khứ ồn ào

Thùy Trang |

Negav bị fan quay lưng, "Anh trai say hi" gây tranh cãi dữ dội... là những điểm tin giải trí nổi bật ngày 28.9.

Bước tiến của Anh Tú Atus, Dương Domic sau Anh trai say hi

Thùy Trang |

Nhờ sức nóng của "Anh trai say hi", Anh Tú Atus và nhiều ca sĩ có thêm hàng nghìn khán giả ủng hộ, danh tiếng tăng vọt.

Minh Dự lập vi bằng khi bị tố thác loạn, chèn ép nghệ sĩ trẻ


Minh Dự chính thức lên tiếng về ồn ào anh bị tố mở tiệc thác loạn, chèn ép đồng nghiệp trẻ.

Giao thông tại Vườn Quốc gia Ba Vì sau thông tin sạt lở


Hà Nội - Chiều ngày 2.10, một số trang truyền thông trên mạng xã hội đã đưa tin “Ba Vì vừa xảy ra sạt lở tại đường lên Đền Thượng - Vườn quốc gia Ba Vì”.

Vùng ảnh hưởng nặng nhất của siêu bão thứ 2 trên Biển Đông

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Israel vừa không kích Lebanon, vừa tấn công Gaza

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Lực lượng Phòng vệ Israel (IDF) cho biết đã thực hiện cuộc tấn công chính xác vào thủ đô Beirut của Lebanon sáng 3.10.

Giá vàng nhẫn cao chót vót, sao có cảnh xếp hàng mua vào?

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Bất chấp giá vàng nhẫn tròn trơn 9999 tăng cao, nhiều phiên giao dịch gần đây, người dân thường xếp hàng mua vào.

Showbiz beat: The reason Negav dropped out of school caused a stir

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Negav's old shares were found again, Tien Luat caused shock... are the entertainment news highlights on September 29.

Showbiz beat: Negav turned his back on fans because of his tumultuous past

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Negav was turned away by fans, "Anh trai say hi" caused fierce controversy... are the entertainment news highlights on September 28.

The progress of Anh Tu Atus and Duong Domic after Anh trai say hi

Thùy Trang |

Thanks to the popularity of "Anh trai say hi", Anh Tu Atus and many other singers have thousands of fans and their reputation has skyrocketed.