Suga (BTS) may face imprisonment for driving under the influence

Dương Hương |

Suga (BTS) will continue to be investigated and face criminal prosecution because the vehicle in question is the one he was driving while intoxicated, not a low-speed electric vehicle.

On August 9, news agency Dispatch reported that a representative from Yongsan Police Station (Seoul) stated in an interview: "Suga BTS was operating an electric scooter. After inspection, this vehicle was not classified as a PM".

PM (personal mobility) refers to vehicles that travel at a maximum speed of less than 25km/h and weigh less than 30kg. Electric vehicles traveling at low speeds are called PM.

However, the vehicle driven by Suga (BTS) was classified as a "motorized bicycle." In this case, a similar criminal penalty will be applied to cases of driving under the influence of a car.

The police explained: "If operating a PM, only administrative fines will be incurred. However, Suga's vehicle is not a PM. Therefore, he may be subject to a criminal penalty for driving under the influence".

According to the Road Traffic Act of the Republic of Korea, if the blood alcohol content is 0.08% or higher, the individual may be sentenced to 1-2 years in prison, or fined between 5 million won and 10 million won.

The police's investigation schedule has not been decided yet. The police stated that they will thoroughly investigate the extent of the damage caused by driving under the influence, the distance driven, the circumstances, and whether there is a prior conviction or not.

Since the incident occurred outside working hours, Suga will not be subject to disciplinary action as a social service worker currently serving in the military. The Military Manpower Administration stated: "If arrested, the military service will be suspended during that period. In addition, there will be no other disciplinary measures".

A CCTV image showing Suga riding an electric vehicle with a seat. Photo: JTBC
A CCTV image showing Suga BTS riding an electric vehicle with a seat. Photo: JTBC

Earlier, Korean media reported that Suga was found to have fallen while riding an electric vehicle on the side of the road in Hannam-dong, Yongsan, Seoul around 23:00 on August 6. A nearby police officer on patrol offered assistance, but Suga was detected to have a strong smell of alcohol on his person, so he was taken to the nearby police station.

Upon checking his blood alcohol content, he had a blood alcohol level that exceeded the threshold for revocation of his driver's license (above 0.08%).

Suga and his management company Big Hit Music quickly issued a statement acknowledging the mistake and apologizing. However, they were immediately accused of lying to downplay the severity of the incident.

Suga and Big Hit Music both stated that the vehicle Suga used was a "kickboard electric" (electric skateboard without a seat). However, the police countered that the vehicle Suga was riding was a "scooter electric" (electric vehicle with a seat). It was even similar to an electric motorcycle.

Dương Hương

Lý do IU được gọi là Taylor Swift của Kpop


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Suga BTS bị yêu cầu rời nhóm


Ồn ào lái xe khi say rượu đã khiến Suga (BTS) đối mặt với bão chỉ trích. Trong đó nhiều người yêu cầu anh rời nhóm.

Suga BTS và Big Hit Music nói dối trong vụ say rượu lái xe?


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Báo chí đang theo xu thế không chỉ phản ánh mà phải cung cấp luận giải và giải pháp

Theo Hồng Sâm/Nhà báo & Công luận |

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The reason IU is called the Taylor Swift of Kpop


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Suga BTS was requested to leave the group


Noisy driving while intoxicated has led to Suga (BTS) facing a storm of criticism. In which many people have requested him to leave the group.

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The confession of Suga (BTS) and Big Hit Music regarding the incident of the male idol driving under the influence of alcohol being deemed untruthful.